Gryphon Osiris

I have the same worry. Part of me says that most of these morons wouldn’t get up off their couch potato asses for anything more than a beer run, but at the same time there is the fear of the lone nuts who see Trump’s calls for violence as justification for them to follow through with their sick fantasies.

God I hope people video these people trying to intimidate voters.

I can’t say how i know, or where it was because of an NDA, but yes, there is also real animal wild life in it.

Either way, it’s a whole lot of “Nope, nope, nope, nope!”

Impressive work on the cuirass and the wings, they look dead on to the ones in game, and are certainly the most difficult part of this costume to make.

She’s popular with the Trumpettes because she’s (in their mind) attractive, likes guns, looks vaguely ethnic (forbidden foreign fruit), and parrots what ever her man (Trump) tells her.

Can’t believe I missed this one.... well, thankfully replaying in new game+ mode, so woohoo!!!

Heh, heh. The Djinn was probably the only creature ever to shut him up.

I’m reminded of the many times Geralt has told Dandelion to “Shut it” when the bard was running his mouth to guards, soldiers, ruffians, anyone within ear shot....

Oh Roach, how I love that dumb ass horse.....

The Dandelion one sums him up perfectly; he may be in the middle of the shit, but still will want to sing a song.

Also love the armor of the Wild Hunt. They may have been villians, but damn they had the best plate armor in the game.

It’s part of their union contract, of course. Just remember that the more stressed you are the more likely it will happen. If you try to use another computer their union contract obliges them to fail too.

It really isn’t that hard to do. Frankly, you just need to download LOIC, get connected to the right bot network and you could shut down next to anything.

It’s by definition “Script kiddie”. If they were hacking they would have penetrated the network and at least gotten past the cyber version of black faxing. Nope, these are a bunch of amateurs who could barely find their asses with both hands, a proctologist and a map.

Apparently Lizard squad claiming responsibility too. Either way, a bunch of spoiled little brats.

I think more so that they are having delusions of adequacy.

While the whole time it plays “Trollololol!” to them.

There are actually times it’s ok to wear a fedora, a real fedora, not a trilby that is. Sadly though, most of those involve either a 3 piece well tailored suit, or a leather jacket and a bull whip.

There’s no place like home....

Opps, keyboard stutter, :-P

Gladly without losing a second of sleep for it, as they should and are legally allowed to. Go Blizzard!