Gryphon Osiris

I have to LOL at the one asking how to DDOS the Blizzard servers, and then claiming to be an awesome hacker. Text book script kiddie if I ever saw one. Someone should tell him to download Low Orbit Ion Cannon and point it at

The tagline could just be shortened to “Donald Trump is full of shit.”

I remember playing Kings Quest 1 on my dad’s computer when I was a kid after it just came out, and being too young to really understand it. Damn does that ever make me feel old, :-P

Heh heh heh, that’s one more think I won’t be telling Hillary about, :-D

Got this mental image of Hurley from Lost saying “Don’t worry man, I’m spry....”

The worse of the worse are the Irukandji jelly fish. They don’t kill you, you just spend days in agony so bad you’d wish you’d die.

Sorry, I keep forgetting that snark doesn’t always translate through text.

So, the whole ‘tradition’ of the ‘X numbers of month’ pay was started by DeBeers to sell more diamonds and more expensive ones.

Yet another reason to hate those bastards.

Same, used a family heirloom ring which she absolutely loves.

DDR Skill: Skinny White guy.

Whoever directed this was equally genius, because even though you barely know what’s being said, or really any back into on the UNSC or ODST’s you can feel a story being told of a young man going through boot, ODST selection, his first combat drop, and see him later as a seasoned veteran with his own new rookie to

Most American’s don’t even know their own countries history outside of a few jingoistic talking points.

If you are in Florida, the suspect is black, is unarmed and running away then it’s covered by the ‘Stand your Ground ‘ law.

The GIFT concept: The General Internet Fuckwad Theory. Basically an audience + anonymity = total douche nugget.

Had trust issues before this ever started, this just reinforces it.

Love the armor work, but the ears are a little plastic-y.

I thought the worst game on Steam (until it was taken down) was Line of Defense.... huh... who knew?

And here when I saw the header about an Indie game failing I thought it was for Line of Defense.

She’s just asking if anyone has “Seen Kyle”....

One never needs an excuse to post Sid, that man was a freaking genius!!!