Gryphon Osiris

Oddly enough, reminds me of something from High School. We wanted to start a fencing club, as in Olympic fencing, and the administration said that it was was “too dangerous”. Yet they allow football which is a bunch of testosterone hype up knuckle draggers who are given a free pass to do just about anything they want,

I’m more troubled that she knows what her daughters nether area looks like.

Dat Lucio and Pharah.....

And anyone who cosplays as Fran from FFXII needs to feel very confident about themself.

Correct, as the gamer diet mainly consists of both of those and hot pockets according to pop culture. Though I will say when I’ve gone to intel lan fest it’s been more of Monster and beef jerky that people were consuming.

The lady of Worlds, indeed!

In the books they mentioned dozens of them, possibly more that were supposedly affected by the Curse of the Black Sun.

I didn’t, but for a reason that no one else has mentioned:

Had this scene happen in my game just as the sun started to dawn. It’s one of three moments in games that nearly, almost, sort of barely could have brought me to tears. The other two being the death of Doctor Mordin in Mass Effect 3, and Iris von Everec from Witcher 3: Heart of Stone.

How was this game, it caught my attention, but wasn’t sure on it.

More and more I’m reminded of a saying “When you’ve live your entire life in privilege, treating others as equals seems like oppression.”

Actually I think they would say “See we knew he was an anti-constitutional communist!!!”

No lube either.... in fact coat the gloves with high grit sand.

And yet I bet you that this moron doesn’t give a crap about the Blue Alert bill the president just signed into law, because..... reasons.....

Preferably with a full and invasive cavity search to go with it.

The president could verbally kiss the cops asses, pay for them to all get 30 year old bottles of scotch and a lifetime supply of blow jobs in Nevada and they’d complain that he wasn’t doing enough to support them.

What he said.

And now I imagine the Doom Guy running around Hell with a camera, going up to Hell Knights who are posing with V signs in front of pools of lava...

I feel rather ashamed in admitting that I don’t know who that character is.

Even Arya Stark needs ‘me’ time.

I gotta admit, making Sailor moon looking a little tougher than the annoying little bundle of saccharin that we’re all familiar with is damn hot...