And for some reason I kept hearing “Yo-ho, yo-ho and Pirates life for me!”
Either way, a great way to sign the game.
One better, playing as Dandelion as he sings, drinks and plows his way across the land.
An now we have another excuse to do a new game plus and start another 180 hours of game play, :-D
I don’t know, the 6% loss of my stocks seems like a very real sign of a crappy decision.
Now for Drumpf’s UK cousin to run for PM wearing a hat that says “Make Britain Great Again!!!”
And here I thought the US had the trademark on being a bunch of Jingoistic fucktards.
They love quoting it to justify all types of weapon ownership, but actually try to regulate it and they have a temper tantrum.
Part of me whats to put an arrow into those lights to disable it, or sneak up on it, stab it with the hack spike and make it my slave.... Oh wait, I think I’ve said too much.
I just can get over how silly they look when they are walking back and forth.
If I were the parent, I would have the kid who did this up on charges for attempted murder.
Just finished the main quest of Blood and Wine. I love how they tied it into a certain part of the First book, The Last Wish!
Damn, now I want a steak sandwich on a Pretzel roll.
If it were my dad, he’d tan my ass, no matter how old I may be, followed by my mom tanning my ass too, and then they’ll tell the judge to throw the book at me.
Simple answer: humanity fucking sucks!
Looks like The Bedlam’s Bards......? Maybe?
China doesn’t care about copyright laws, you should have seen the blatant rip-off of TF2 they had. It’s like they bought a copy of the game, took the core engine, had some interns make character models and pushed it out.
Actually, I think that’s exactly what happened here too....