God, I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time..... Had to explain this one to my co-workers because they didn’t get it.
God, I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time..... Had to explain this one to my co-workers because they didn’t get it.
Wait, the Witcher 3 wasn’t just a giant Gwent adventure?
Unless they are the sect of Christianity you don’t like, such as Catholic, Mormon, Quaker, Mennonite, Hutterite or Amish. Then it’s free game.
Thanksgiving dinner with pre-dinner football games, cheap beer and an extended family that you try to avoid the rest of year will never turn out well, and those hayseeds that you go out of your way to avoid will still be as backwards as you remember them.
I was shocked when the bat-shit nutjob Glen Beck started rallying against him. When even he says you are insane, maybe it’s time to start listening.
You know once a white guy gets put onto the terror watch list for Christian fundamentalist threats that they’d start screaming about it.
Wait..... didn’t the NRA lobbies get this law killed 2 years ago?
Nah, I’ve given up faith on Valve. They no longer develop, just sell virtual hats to suckers willing to pay for them.
First Duke Nukem Forever came out, now this? All I can hope for now is that it doesn’t completely suck....
Will you get to kill ‘Chaos’?
I can see a bit of aging, but she’s like fine wine, just get better with age.
I have those decks, waiting for my Northern Realms and Nilfgard decks.
Yes, but did you order the physical card decks too?
Ok, never knew she was that young, she was still a decade older than me then, but one could dream.
Who didn’t..... who didn’t.....
It is a simplified version of TF2 in many ways, one, (or some cases 2) weapons, alt fire options, engineers classes basically just set turrets, and each character has set skill set and gameplay type. For example Genji has toss shirukans and deflect bullets, Mei can freeze enemies, make ice walls and self heal, and so…
I’m just wondering if we can get a Christian conversion therapy to turn self-righteous mid-west ‘Christians’ into decent individuals who stop obsessing about how other people have sex?
Just remember for every grain of wheat you get pounds of excess and useless chaff.
Or people freaking out when women are nursing and infant. They have this idea that if a grown man sees a tit with a baby hanging off of it they will go into a full of Satyr like lust and mount any woman they see, but it will still be the woman’s fault for driving them to that state.
Simply, it’s a lame ass excuse to allow them to detach themselves from their actions and insulate their fragile ego regarding how weak they really are.