Great Wall of my Favorite Thing

Mayfield’s signing bonus was $21 million. His rookie contract is $38 million. That is a ton more than he would make in baseball over the first 4 years. A shit ton.

Thank you for your service. 

I see your old, and raise you with this old:

He looks like Matthew McConaughey fucked a Predator in the back of a Lincoln and bore a lovechild. 

I agree with all of that, but after this season I think you can add McCaffrey to that list. 

Intoxicated and swearing describes the best way to handle an airport experience. 

I figured the constant running up the middle would set the defense up for Wilson to keep the ball and run outside. Unfortunately they seemed to forget to use those outside runs. When they did, they scored, but I think they only did it twice on one drive.

I'm hoping for a drop kick game winning field goal. I wonder how long it's been since that happened. 

Now playing

Sadly not so cool, pronounced Jack. He played offense, End is basically the TE position today, with some H-Back thrown in. The Chargers invented the two TE formation while he was playing.

Could well be. He played FB, HB, guard, and tackle in addition to TE. Basically a battering ram. Add pro wrestling as an off season gig and I'd be surprised if it wasn't there. Again, 1975 so nobody cared about CTE. Almost ironic that landing on his head did him in. 

In more recent years I have thought about that. The story at the time was somewhat sanitized, no mention of booze or drugs or police chases. The story I was told by his father involved all three. It was 1975, nobody knew or cared about CTE then. It was a few years later when I got the “real” story and by that time

Nice! You knew him better than I did then, lol. 

Thanks. I have that card somewhere around the house. I always pictured him striking that pose as he stiff armed a cop and hurdled the fence to his demise. 

Lol... I think I was always more impressed with him dying while running from the police than the 1963 AFL championship ring I got to put on at a family dinner in the late 70's. Another fun fact: he was the only Mr. Irrelevant to become an all-star. 

While my loyalty is with the Seahawks, I am also a Chargers fan with no connection to San Diego or LA. My uncle Jacque MacKinnon played for them from 1961-1969 in the AFL. He died under interesting circumstances when I was 5, jumping a fence while evading police and falling to his death. That story, added to family

There is a WMMA fight at 155 today on the PFL finals card featuring Kayla Harrison. 

But how much did Nasukawa get for his artful diving? Enough to make Bob Sapp jealous?

I might need to watch an old Pride Wanderlei Silva highlight now.

Actually worked out better for her than her ex.

Fair enough.