
Hey gang, I've been falling behind on the comics for a while. I think I got a little superhero fatigued, and I've been especially put off by the constant crossovers and tie-ins that seem to derail every interesting book out there just as I'm getting into them. Anyway, I've been keeping up with the Image titles I was

I still have the same version! The bonus disc is only 4 tracks: Requiem, Drive Me Wild, Baker Street, and Down in the Park.

What, like an Irish monk?

Start your reassessment with her verse in Kanye West's "Monster". She kills it, totally steals the track (and my heart).

My immediate thought was, "Oh cool, Booker T's commentating". It completely slipped my mind that Otunga was missing.

I love the headbutts. They always make me cringe, they look so vicious.

How about a couple weeks ago when Randy Orton burned down Bray Wyatt's family home, desecrating the ashes of Sister Abigail, and Wyatt responded by baptising himself in said ashes to gain her supernatural powers?

Handsome Rusev.

Damn though, if they put Braun over Roman there he'll skyrocket to the top of the card. The fans would meltdown.

Dan Bejar always feels crucial to me on NP albums, as a palate cleanser and a change of pace and just as a fucking good song writer. His songs are some of my absolute favourite New Pornos songs: "Myraid Harbour", "Jackie", "Streets of Fire", "Jackie Dressed in Cobras", "If You Can't See My Mirrors", "Ballad of a

I love Keep Your Name and will be listening more to the full album for sure, but I am sad that the Dirty Projectors as I knew and loved them are no more. I feel really lucky to have seen them on their tour for Swing Low Magellan. Those harmonies were on a whole other level!

I am only just now learning that there's no Bejar on this album, and that really gets me down. I'm sure it'll still be good but I feel like his songs are such a great foil for Newman's, I'm not sure if the album as a whole will be as cohesive.

I am so tired of crossover events, they have completely killed my desire to start following new books. The only new Marvel book I've read in the last… two years (?!) has been The Vision, which was awesome, and which I picked up because (a) I heard overwhelmingly positive reviews about it and (b) it was a

Plus his She-Hulk run was great.

Owens is in a match with Chris Jericho to cap off the best feud of the last six months. Reigns is in a last-minute match with Taker that's had almost no build except "this is my yard" "no, this is MY yard". In my mind Owens has the better spot on the card (it'd be even better with the universal title on the line but

Both the Total Bull**** segment and the Miz TV interruption were, as the kids say, savage AF. Those dudes had no mercy. I can't believe how well the've put over what should be a nothing match.

This would actually be the perfect finish. I thought Cena and Nikki winning was really a foregone conclusion, but Cena roasted Miz so hard tonight that it does seem like they could be setting it up for a M&M win.

Roman's not terrible on the mic, but he is pretty limited. When he gets the right material he can do pretty well, though, like tonight.

Good call. I'm not particularly invested in the stories going on in those divisions (because there kind of aren't any?) but those stipulations have made me interested in the Mania matches anyway.

Needs more Emma.