
Damn we'll miss you, Latoya. I have no idea how I'm going to keep up with WWE now - certainly not by watching it every damn week. This is a real blow to thoughtful wrestling coverage (and discussion).


Damn that Bayley vs Sasha match was really something, huh.

Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a couple weeks ago that these reviews were being dumped. I will miss them a lot - I have no idea if there is anywhere else on the net that has coverage half as good as the AV Club's was, and I'm certain there's nowhere with as decent a comments section.

Don't be fatuous, Larry.

bubba912 just got the IV treatment.


I'm definitely due a re-read sometime soon as well. Great series. I really liked Si Spurrier's take on X-Force too.

Oh man, I didn't even realise there was new Megg, Mogg & Owl! Awesome!

That match was really switched on! Shame about the ending. I'm loving the brutal Usos though, and this feud is making me remember why I loved The New Day so much as well.

I think you're right. Maybe they need to tweak it a bit and have Ellsworth be more dumb puppydog to Carmella's evil manipulator. At the moment Ellsworth is acting like as big an asshole as her, bigger even, and the crowd just want to see him get his comeuppance.

It was pretty much a given that Ellsworth would interfere in the women's MITB match, but to have him actually climb the ladder and grab the briefcase was a really deflating moment. Even though it'll get them good heat, I can't say I liked it.

I dunno, man. To me it sounds like someone at DC saw Afterlife with Archie doing okay and wanted to get in on that sweet reimagining action with one of their licensed properties. I can't say it grabs me.

Oh so it's all been concreted over already? What was the point of the Nu 52 again?

Ohhh I love Lazarus so much though. The political intrigue and dystopian world-building alongside Forever's intensely personal backstory and the underdog story of the former serfs trying to make it working for the Family. I think it's great!

Godbutcher was awesome, for sure. Everyone seems to be talking up Old Man Logan so I will have to check that out. Thanks!

I've always been a Julia Carpenter Spider-Woman guy myself, but I will take a look, thanks!

Is Scooby Apocalypse actually good? It doesn't seem like it would be good.

Thanks for the reccs! I'm curious as to whether Rucka's WW retcons a bunch of Azzarello's run. I particularly enjoyed that one, but a lot of people seemed to think the unconventional origin story, among other things, would get wiped away at the first opportunity.

Having read The Authority first, I found Ellis's Stormwatch felt very much like a practice run at that "widescreen comics" style. It's good enough, but I don't think it holds up as some great work. The way the run ends is straight-up terrible as well.