
Sami's one guy I don't mind seeing lose a whole bunch because he sells so damn well and he does the never-say-die schtick perfectly.


I… like… The Usos.

The Miz and Maryse were incredible this week. You're so right about performers able to elevate lousy material. The New Day did it with their garbage-fire gospel preacher gimmick, and now The Miz and Maryse are creating gold out of this groanworthy exhibition match for Nikki's retirement. The only bad thing about it is

"For the USA and all the southern countries!"


Needs more Evil Emma.

I don't think she's got it in her to turn face just yet, and she was great with Emma in NXT.

You take that back about Handsome Rusev!

That's sad.

Delivering "It!" after the commercial break was hilarious.

This really is a bummer. As you say, there's no wrestling coverage around that approaches the show like the AV Club reviewers do. Bullet points just aren't the same.

Needs more… EVIL EMMA.

Oh boy, I have the last trade winging its way to me by mail and I am super pumped to see how it ends. I might have to do a complete read-through as a refresher…

In some levels, but he was slooooow and his normal attacks were weak as heck. Not always the best choice.

I don't think I've ever actually read any comics featuring them, but I love the idea of zuvembies for the same reason.

If you think that's stupid, get a load of this: the original model PS2 and the later, smaller model had multitaps that were incompatible, even though they looked and functioned identically!

2 was full of little bugs that made some powers completely OP. I remember playing through the game with the Bishop/Toad combo and basically one-shotting every enemy with Toad's tongue whip, which seems completely ridiculous.

That looks like total garbage. Jesus, a game where you shoot and kill X-men heroes with a gun?