
Brady and Belichick both voted for, and endorsed, Trump.

“Ray Rice did not land a pristine uppercut to his wife’s noggin.”

First and foremost, the NFL has a domestic abuse problem. The Brady vs Goodell rivalry should not cloud that. Ray Rice landed a perfect uppercut to his wife’s dome and knocked her out cold. That, my friends, was a bad elevator ride.


I like hot sauce on fried chicken, but not along with real maple syrup. Maybe it’s good though. I’m definitely going to try it now.

Totally agree. Horrible idea.

My biggest pet peeve is when they serve bone-in chicken atop my waffle. I don’t want to have to pick up my chicken! Too messy. Bad!

Oh God... YES!

A week? Try a day.

Seems I have affected you.

Hey there, I love chicken and waffles. Happy to help.

Exactly my point.

So, in addition to nuclear war we will have nuclear power plant meltdowns here in the Lower 48. Good thing I got that plot of land in Vermont. Gonna built a cabin.

Agree, been saying that since November 9th. We will also have concentration camps within one year. Book it.

Wow. Jermaine Jones looks just like Colin Kappernick. Sounds like him too. Mad respect.

Read it on CNN. There were a couple articles about it yesterday.

*commenter - at least I can spell unlike GOP.

One of the few films I’ve bought on Blueray over the past several years. I saw it and I was just like - I’ve got to own this. Not many films that you can watch over and over without getting bored. Princess Bride, Boogie Nights, Citizen Kane, The Big Lebowski, Seven, Forrest Gump, Caddyshack, American History X,

Right? Trump thinks women should either be models, mothers, or kindergarden teachers. Women can be so much more than that. Some of the smartest, most accomplished, best people I’ve ever met are women.

I see the GOP has not stopped trying to limit free speech...