
I read yesterday that the KKK will be featured and honored guests at the inauguration. I didn’t even flinch when I read it. Should have known.

Hmmmm wonder why.......

Aaron Rodgers is 100% gay.

Well, it would be oddly short for a garage. It’s also not connected to the house, so that’s out. Could be a shed, but oddly close to the house if so. Shed’s out. Part of the home next door? Maybe, but it would be odd for two homes to be so close to each other in a rural farmland area. So that’s out.

This guy’s a racist. We should have a representative team and that definitely includes foreign born players and even undocumented workers and Native Americans.

Uhh, pretty sure that’s a farm dude. They are being very clear with their implication. See the little structure on the right?

I’ve been trying to get into soccer for over a decade now and I just can’t do it.

CBO is a right-wing organization. Fascists.

If the GOP gets rid of Obamacare then 95 million people are going to lose health insurance and 40% of those people will die an early death.

One of the first times I’ve read an article twice here on Gawker.


I didn’t vote for him. Nevertheless, RIP.

LA only cares about rollerblading and Hollywood. No sports team has ever been able to gain traction in that phony earthquake town.


I am not really for or against it, just feel the need to point out that only a tax like that would solve the disparity we see today. And, the disparity really is households that net out at 9 figures versus everyone else. From a macro perspective, 5mm isn’t all that much. Those people are poor compared to the group

So I’m not exactly new to the protest game right? I protested in Ferguson. I protested in Baltimore. I protested in St. Paul, Chicago, New York, Boston, Delaware, DC, Phoenix, LA, San Fran, San Diego, Riverside... and so many other places that people probably didn’t even know there were protests going on.

30 billion in Facebook stock options is not productive capital.

Anything that uses elites money to solve the issues of plebeians will be a hard sell. They are not dumb and they know how to change the national/global conversation. I mean, Hamilton here probably actually believes that an income tax will do something to solve the enormous wealth gap we see today. But it doesn’t.

If a billionaire had to invent something that would create a greater wealth gap between them and everyone else you could not do much better than a VAT tax. QE and negative rates are the only greater tools to create disparity.

But then all the money would just move into bonds with already extremely low yields, and the gain would be minuscule - but they would be protecting their principal. Rates could even go negative everywhere and they would happily suffer a 1% loss every year so long as their tens of billions of dollars remains