Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Funnily enough, I am RIGHT THIS MINUTE getting baby advice for my twin sister, who had this little mite dropped on her by a magpie that had stolen it and its sibling from their nest and was being pursued by the mama and papa bird.

For his next display of power, Macron plans to flip Trump over and mount him.

So, I’ve just discovered that there’s is NO SUCH THING as “too much John Oliver grooving” and would like to paper my wall with these things.

Christ, that interview is spine chilling. He seems to be perfectly calm after killing what I presume to be his own children and several others purely because he didn’t get his own way over access to the children that he apparently considers to be property rather than human beings.

Thank you! Manchester is a seriously awesome city, it’s something to be very proud of! We need a new wave of music to pick off where Mr. Wilson’s lot left off, but we still have culture in spades!

Cheers, it was a bit of a late night rant but I don’t think those further afield are getting the full story so jammed in as much as I could think of!!! I didn’t mention how many property raids are going on, it seems like I’m going past a new site every day that has armed police and press outside because it’s been

Happy Saturday (Sunday now for me) Jezzies!

It’s going down well locally, it’s in keeping with the “raise money and show we won’t be cowed” approach that has been taken on - it mirrors the resilience that Mancs are famous for. I guess she’s probably been mindful to check the temperature and react in line with how the people of that region deal with this sort

I think my post for Nomi might have appeared on your comment. If so (I can’t tell whether it’s just a display error on my laptop or some other witchcraft) ignore it, it’s for a post above!!!

Yeah, Morgan is pretty much trying to go into competition with Katie Hopkins with self-centered vileness as part of his attention seeking. I think no matter what logic says, any performer who has deaths at one of their gigs is going to feel like those people wouldn’t have died if they weren’t there to see the

I’m very glad my little bubble is safe, but knowing that other kids have been murdered has thrown a massive dollop of guilt to the mix - I keep thinking of all the little girls who must have been super excited to be seeing a star that they love and how their families must be feeling right now. The city center was

At this point in time, I’m more pissed off that this wanker’s little chums were so desperate to get some column inches and seem to be ahead of the game that they released the supposed name of the bomber. There was a D notice in place to protect the investigation. It might have fucked up the opportunity to gather

I remember the IRA bomb clearly - my parents were parked under Marks and Spencer, and barged past the police to get their car because they didn’t want to have to pay the insurance excess. They always put money before safety. I knew a milk delivery driver who was too close when it went off Anne was left deaf, and my

The organisation of the emergency services has done them proud. I live near the hospital and heard the helicopters bringing in the seriously hurt, they were back and forth one hell of a lot. I currently can see the sealed off area at the arena, the police are being super, super cautious. My manager reckons that

She’s turned up, thank gods. Apparently shaken, but OK. I am so relieved.

She’s turned up, thank every god possible, I’ve been having heart palpitations all night! She’d got lost in the melee, but is unharmed and didn’t see anything. I am so, so, so so relieved. Doesn’t change how awful it is, but my fear for my BIL’s family was painful.

My brother in law’s sister is yet to be accounted for (their father is also a paramedic currently attending the scene) we’re shitting bricks right now. If it *is* a terrorist attack, they’ve selected a gig that lots of children were likely to attend, and waited for the rush of people leaving to peak. That’s some

I’m certain of that, as well as the general journalistic staff running stories with a very sexist slant*, people expressing MRA views at the more extreme end of the spectrum are allowed to run amok in the comments section. For example, women are apparently never sent to jail for any crimes they commit - including

Yup I did, back at the beginning of April when I first found out there was to be an inquest. Looks like I’ve had nothing to worry about, but knowing what the ex’s parents have been saying and what the paper is like it was best to just keep a low profile. Combining a pair of embittered, mourning enablers with a

Happy birthday for tomorrow! Your thirties go ridiculously quick, which is seriously annoying given that it’s usually the decade where you start to give fewer shits about things like what others think about you. I’ve yet to start feeling like a grown up, though, and I’m 38 this year, but then again I have no kids,