Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Oh my heart! I could spend all day muzzing that face, you must miss him terribly! We’re blessed to have these random little weirdos bimble into our lives, I just wish it wasn’t for such a short period.

OMG another similarity, my family joke about how cat like my boy is as well, he finds the highest point to nap on, walks on anything and has no time for bollocks! He does this sassy grunt and huff, especially when you pretend to throw a ball - he doesn’t even budge, just huffs at you for wasting his goddamn time.

<3 I swear my boy is at least 50% opossum, he's got this scraggly fur thing going on. Aren't scruffy mutts just the cutest? They're like an explosion in a mattress factory and completely bonkers. Totally the best type of dogs!

Evening Jezzies! I’m in work in the morning so am just about to retire to bed, but figured I’d stick my head in!

So as France announces that it aims to outlaw petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040, America’s leaders are announcing plans to regress to a more environmentally damaging form of powering the country. This poor planet doesn’t stand a chance of getting everyone doing their bit and taking some responsibility in preserving

You can do the thing! Have a picture of smiling confidence pupper. Comment “succeed well, pupper” to have a happy, confident, successful interview whenever is required!

Oh do fuck off Donny, it’s none of your beeswax, you repugnant shit.

Oh look at their darling little faces!! <3 *melts*

YESSSS!! I’ve exhausted the ones on Netflix, but they are the BEST!!

They are absolutely addictive! I’ve learned a lot about how absolutely shocking the American prison system is. Here, in the UK, you can’t be held without charges for more than 24 hours for regular crime (if someone is suspected of a serious crime like murder, the police can apply to extend the time up to 96 hours,

Lay one on me, compadre!

Eve’nin’ Jezzies!

I’m reminded of how dogshit blended with vomit masquerading as a website creator and prominent professional woman hater Paul Elam once said “Should I be called to sit on a jury for a rape trial, I vow publicly to vote not guilty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the charges are true” and am now wondering

Oh bless his heart! Well, I believe he’s a big, brave and mysterious wolf, his warble has me convinced!

I have no stress busting tips, but cannot pass a pupper without comment.

Hola Jezzers!

It’s fucking terrifying that if the DUP really strongarm their polities to a desperate Tory party who will sell our freedoms just to get those precious 10 seats in Parliament, we could see this shit rolled out across the entirety of the UK. If they restrict abortion access in ANY way, I will be losing my fucking shit

No, Britain doesn’t want any of your bullshit, thank you very much.

Yo Jezzies!

I am 100% certain that the covfefe tweet happened because Jared Kushner was trying to wrestle the phone out of Trump’s tiny little hands like a mother conficating a naughty child’s toy.