Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Aww, Nicki has a philanthropic streak!

*BOOM* spot on!

My home town decided to bring back the tradition of wickerman burning, oddly chosen to clash with the annual Victorian weekend. I am so glad they chased me out with pitchforks and burning torches after I had my tail & 6th fingers removed, shortly after I divorced my brotherdad. 

Thank you! <3 It’s nice to just enjoy feeling admired and admiring someone without the other complexities, whilst I feel a bit self conscious (mostly due to my decidedly unsexy waddle and crutches) I’d stopped seeing myself as a sexual human being in any way, so it’s probably helpful in terms of recovery to start

That sounds very sweet, though! That bit of a buzz, the frisson, that’s always nice, even if you suddenly get caught unawares and end up feeling like a plonker!! I hope you can get over the embarrassment and get on with enjoying your crush from that delicious safe distance!

I wouldn’t get any social interaction if I didn’t use Facebook, however someone grassed on me using a pseudonym so I have to have my actual name on my account. This has meant my stalker has found me and regularly harasses me via messages, and I’m going to have to deactivate my account during May due to some personal

Two of my colleagues ran and finished the marathon, I am so proud of the one who’d never ran that sort of distance before in his life, it’s such a big deal for the guy after he’d moved away from a life of drugs and crime!

Ah. I see America has a raging Yoest infection, a major irritation that refuses to leave your vagina alone. 

I make Scottish tablet (very crunchy fudge, if it’s not something Americans are familiar with) and think that edibles are totally the way forward.

To a certain extent, I don’t think Farage even really wanted Brexit, he just wanted a marketing point to take into battle with him as a CV builder since he wasn’t going to be leader of the Tories any time soon.


Guy, I am shitting myself over the snap election over here - none of the motivations for calling an election in 2017 when we weren’t due one until 2020 are good. Mainly, it indicates that even the prime minister thinks that we are going to be royally fucked by Brexit.

37, child free, and if I dare mention that I don’t want to produce a tiny, noisy, expensive creature that will inevitably grow to hate me, people loose their fucking shit over it. Even people I don’t know who I am just making polite conversation with will go on a full rant about how selfish and evil it is to not have


I imagine them flapping their hands at each other whilst trying to keep their faces out of the way. You can bet good money that those two are the least capable of conducting a slap fight, never mind the sort of war that they sign their countries’ youth up for.

I am so sorry you and your family are feeling the heat from the temper tantrums of man-children posturing, they don’t seem to even comprehend that real people are affected when they push the big red button.

Yup, you can’t blame this guy’s ex wife for not wanting to call him, she’ll be more than aware that if she spoke to him, she’d be entering into negotiations where either she or more people would end up dead at the end.

At the moment, I keep realising that the whole world is effectively held to ransom by men who use violence to get their own way. We’re so used to it that many refuse to accept that the man inflicting violence is in any way wrong, preferring to blame the people having unreasonable demands made of them that the person

That’s heartbreaking, that poor family.

Seriously? What a bunch of disgusting creatures.