Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Ooh also I have discovered knitting again. I can only do one thing from memory (the way my gran had taught me as a nipper, and is apparently called garter stitch) but I’ve been obsessively knitting all week. How awesome is knitting? FUCKING AWESOME, that’s how awesome it is.

Oh no, this is shit! I know shit all about boob cancer (I *know* I’m meant to check, but don’t know what I’m actually feeling for, my tits feel like bags of bobbly noodles - what’s a *bad* bobble to feel like???) but *have* had friends go through this, both turned out OK, and turned out OK in the end but after a lot

Ahoy hoy Jezzies!

Don’t fret, I’ll never change, mostly because I’ve put so much effort into this personality that I can’t be arsed developing another one!

Cripes, you seem to have got all the bad luck I should have had with mine!

Big hugs, big BIG hugs. My ex did the whole “no, YOU” thing in court as well, claimed everything he did to me was actually me doing the abusing, it was horrifically stressful (especially since I cry when angry and frustrated, making communicating hard and should have been viewed as evidence of my incapacity to

Yup, radioactive iodine - it’s used for thyroid cancer (just like normal radiotherapy, but instead of being blasted from outside you take it as a pill and any remaining thyroid cells suck up the iodine - I’ve been on a low iodine diet for two weeks to make those cells extra hungry for iodine, which is HELL, I demand

Ev’n’in Jezzies!

Hmm, now it *would* be nice to put him on the spot for once, he’s enjoyed publicly tearing shreds off me for long enough for me to not feel guilty about it.

Whenever I cut him off, my sister cuts me off for “leaving her to deal with them alone”, so I end up having to put up with him to stay in contact with her. I’m aware it’s a fucked up family dynamic, but completely extracting without being made to feel like shit has proved to be hard - I keep him on as low a contact

Aw thank you! That’s rather interesting about the impact of soy, I might need to read up on that! Thyroid cancer metastasises by blood, so I currently might have little rocky outcrops of cancerous thyroid tissue elsewhere in my body, meaning I have to have regular blood tests to check that those cells haven’t

*bah dum tish*

Yeah, he’s always looked for ways to have digs at me, so I shouldn’t have thought that having cancer would have changed anything there. I can’t decide which is the worst part of this particular jab, the actual words he said or the fact that he obviously engineered the opportunity to say it because he’d not been able

I’m 100% certain my father has narcissistic personality disorder - my mother has pretty much up until this point been as rotten*, but as she’s displaying signs of concern with my current situation I’m wondering if she’s less of a narcissist in her own right and more of having a case of narc fleas. She was *very*

Oh I’ve gone no contact a few times, trouble is I feel guilty so cave eventually. The thing I can’t understand is why my parents insist on forcing their way back into my my life when they’ve spent my entire life telling me I’m a shit person and listing all the ways I am worthless to them! The life of the scapegoat

Oh god I’d not thought about toothpaste!!! It’s ridiculous, apparently it’s a known allergen so you would think it wouldn’t be so widely used in things that things that it’s not absolutely necessary - it seems impossible to avoid. Is yours a short term low iodine diet like mine or a life long one? I couldn’t

It says you have an inquisitive mind that spots tasty! I literally just stirred PB into porridge (using fine milled oat porridge - over here it’s called “Ready Brek”, not sure what the American version would be called) and dumped some sugar in for good luck. It’s mind blowingly good, but there’s a feasibility it

It’s easily done by dropping a well fed C’thun to an otherwise empty board on your opponent’s side (even more so if you have Bran Bronzebeard on deck), but I really, really, really find the whole C’thun mechanics clunky and boring to play.

Hey kids! So, I’ve not been around much here for the past couple of weeks, so you’re going to have to tell me any highlights that’s gone on for all my fellow Jezzies. I was getting so stressed out by the whole political situation over in America that I’ve actually had my blood pressure shoot up (I’m usually