Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

I hope she’s haunted by the image of that poor boy’s battered face every time she closes her eyes.

Heeeeeey kids!

Trust me, suicide devastates those left behind. I’m sure you are feeling like shit right now, but hold on in there until the feeling passes. You are loved, and you are valued - and things WILL get better. Heck, make a plan to do something you wouldn’t do if you didn’t feel rooted where you are - travel the world,

It’s OK, Brexit taught us in well in advance that the results of an election don’t necessarily mean an entire nation is made up of idiots. TBH we’re heartily aware that Trump won on fewer votes than the loser, so don’t blame the entire nation - we’re just shitting bricks that a disordered orange hemorrhoid with zero

OMG I used to do the same (I’ve oddly fallen out of the habit of buying cards)! Glad it triggered a more pleasant feeling.

I’m not American, nor live in America, but over here we’re aware of the global implications and the general horror that today brings. I’m sorry, you guys. x

Thank YOU for checking in, though, it means the world! Sorry if my absence caused concern (if I can ever work out how to use Twitter I’ll have to look the whole #twinja thing to keep in touch more socially with people rather than having to stay up late for SNS!!), I’m a good old fashioned flake and drift in and out

Aw thank you for checking in! I’d pooped myself out by deciding to go back to work against my GP’s concerns, I figure at work I’ve at least always got someone to make me a cup of tea.

I swear they mix crack in with wet food. It’s the only reason that can explain the whining!!

“They’re really gonna do a number on me” - Yes, Donny, a number one, just how you like it.

Ooh I’m not sure (I’m British so depends on what’s available on the NHS) - I do have an appointment with my endocrinologist at the end of the month, so I can bring it up then.

Thank you so much! Looks like an “after payday! jobbie, but I’ll definitely give it a whirl - I try *really* hard to be a “the outside isn’t what matters” person, but my hair is very much something that make me feel happy as I have five torrid colours in it at any one time. If I had no hair to dye I’d be terribly

I made the mistake of letting my boy try premium dog food. Now he sulks and strops and throws himself around the house huffing until he gets this fish, potato and rice wet food that stinks the house up, even if you’ve already fed him (and he’s actually eaten it, he’s the king of the hunger strikes if his food isn’t

Hey Jezzies! Happy Saturday!

He was ashamed and hid from the sight of other dogs. Either that or the amount of static he was generating knocked his confidence.

Have a pet dog! Well, close to 40 anyway, because all the other “before 40" things require more freedom of travel than is available for most dog people.

Here’s my dude at the precise moment he realised the futility of life.

Oh my, she is the queen of floof once dried!

Good luck! I’ll keep everything crossed for you!

She managed to project her razor sharp wit beyond the grave. I didn’t think I could admire her any more than I did before today, but after this I swear I am [__] <— this close to starting up a religion dedicated to worshipping her.