Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Still on Synthroid until instructed otherwise. I’ve just today had my letter from the specialist cancer hospital I’ve been referred to (it’s pretty much the best known specialist hospital in the UK, so I’m in good hands, hurrah NHS!!!), my initial consultation is the 6th of February, where they’re going to assess the

Ah, seen someone else thought the same up thread!

Slight amendment - “stranger? What were you wearing?”

This is what went through my mind, but rather than “incest” (which alludes to it being consensual, even if morally wrong) I thought familial rape. It’s OK kids, if you’re raped by your “father”, it’s not “rape” rape, there’s no need to get upset!

Oh no! I get pukey migraines as well, they suck and can cling on for days if not weeks - have you managed to clear it now?

Ooh! I’ve got one! Paint a portrait of him, but make his body a uterus and write a bit of blurb underneath it about the menstrual cycle. Do it in the style of a children’s story, with ol’ Patty here needing a pap smear but not being able to get one because he decided his hatred of women was more important than the

If she could hold off until I’m back in work from sick leave, I’d be terribly grateful, I want to enjoy the nation days of mourning / free days off as much as possible. It’s no fun if you’re off anyway.

This reminds me I need to find another Drugs Friend, virtually all my friends have settled down and think a cheeky glass of pinot grigio is wild these days and drugs on your own is no fun.

Damn it, I’d only just stopped tearing up every time I saw something about her. Looks like it’s back to the puffy eyes and chapped nose for me.

It will always be Hollywoo to me.

I much preferred the original David Niven Casino Royal. If you haven’t seen it, it’s basically Carry On Bond.

I just can’t look away from how her microphone’s shadow makes her look like she’s got a turbo camel toe in the video.

My only “resolution” is to continue kicking ass, I have a good track record and consider it quite a realistic goal.

I have returned intact! Quite a sedate but smokey affair, but not as sedate as last year when I stayed in on my own and cried into my keyboard because I had nowhere to go. I believe it to be what cursed 2016. *nods*


I’m probably going to miss SNS because it’s been coming out later and I *might* (big might, no plans yet) be embarrassing myself doing something involving debauchery, so I’ll wish you all a happy new year now, and also whine about being grey still after about a thousand years of living in the sludge at the bottom of

OUCH!!! You poor thing! I’ve had an inflamed pancreas caused by an infected gallbladder, that hurt LIKE FUCK. I’m assuming that full blown pancreatitis must feel like being impaled by a lightsaber. Has the pain subsided now? You don’t just *deserve* medical marijuana (let’s face it, you’ve plenty of evidence for

Ah, my primary school took us all to Chester Zoo to learn about all the endangered animals. It pissed down raining the entire time we were there, so had to spend most of the time indoors, and as we were leaving a classmate got pissed on by a male tiger that sprayed through the fences. Good times!

That poor family have had ten years of crap in less than a week - I’m glad to have read that Billie is close to her father, she’s going to need all the hugs she can get.