Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Seriously, fuck this guy.

Why do I get the feeling that Trump appointed Carson so he can say “see, I’m not racist”?

Doing good, I think! The scar’s a bit angrier for being reopened, but the major pain is over. Not irradiated yet, I had an appointment with my surgeon down for the 21st, however I got a letter this weekend pulling it forward to the 7th. It’s at that appointment that I’ll be referred to the Christie Hospital, which

I think it boils down to him getting a kick out of genuinely having this 19 year old woman sexually assaulted knowing she is too inexperienced and afraid of harming her career to stop it happening. This doesn’t feel like a situation where the director wanted to evoke a genuine emotion (like fear), the level of

<3 yay thank you!! <3

It’s my birthday, so I’ve gone out and got drunk. Hurrah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It took me years to start calling what happened to me* rape, I’d spent so long rearranging it to a more comfortable lie in my mind that my brain was close to snapping dealing with it subconsciously. It’s hard to start recognising the act for what it is - and even harder to come forward about, because a lot of the

I hope Depp catches an aggressive strain of herpes comorbid with cock warts so virulent that his knob drops off. Obviously from not washing his hands after touching a contaminated surface, not only should no one ever shag him again, but I wouldn’t want some other poor soul to have the same affliction.

Precisely. On the upside, when he decides to outsource security to a firm he is connected to and then stops paying paying them (we all know he has form in this manner, people, FORM), the resulting lax security could potentially lead to this whole Trump problem being resolved.

OK, Liam knows how to be damned adorable.

I’ve just looked him up to appraise - and yes, yes he does. I also learned that he has punched his pregnant daughter in the face, and repeatedly harassed Means and his friends previously. I sincerely hope Pulliam doesn’t get the usual soft sentence that old white guys seem to enjoy over in the States.

You have to wonder how they manage to be selected to deliver the course, don’t you?

“What’s the chance of them finding it? Y’know, I just didn’t want to live at that point - Where’s the gun? I was looking at it like “OK, so how do I self terminate now?” I just wanted to end it” - John Wayne Bobbitt at the futility of a life where he can no longer rape the wife he lovingly abused and cheated on for

From the quotes, I think the only thing threatened was his masculinity.

Oooh I didn’t know about that! Thank you!

I’m sorry you’re getting this, I’ve been told I deserve to be killed and raped (then outright threatened with it) as well - just for sharing my experiences - not even in debate with someone, just saying “this is what happened to me”. Guys have been led to believe it’s HILARIOUS to abuse people online, and with the

YES! Bang on!

This is something that worries me a lot, I had to learn everything I knew about sex and contraception from magazines in my parent’s shop (that my mother subsequently banned me from reading when she found out the content) - any questions I had were met with thin lips and outright rage. My school’s sex ed was woefully

I think a lot of people are ignorant to mental illness red flags as well, which doesn’t help. Many would just write someone off as just “eccentric” or “artistic” if they’re not talking about spacemen coming to visit them and trying to bite their own face. I guess the media depiction of mental illness is behind a