Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

I’m very grateful that the judge didn’t allow Mair whatever performing opportunity he was hoping to get. It’s important to make sure he doesn’t become a folk hero to other Nazi sympathisers, so quashing his voice will have had a wider effect than just frustrating the sack of shit.

Yeah, I was all “boo public proposals forced women’s hands, not fair”, but then they both looked so happy and cute I just started squealing and clapping for them.

Tell me about it, as much as I’m so keen for series 3 that I’m about an inch away from an animal / human sacrifice to the great broadcast gods, series one and two never get old.

Well, if you can handle one who *thinks* he’s clever and will mansplain everything to you like you are a complete simpleton, and you’re sure, I can completely get behind this concept...

Yeah, I’m not a Bieber fan by ANY stretch of the imagination, but seeing the video I can understand why he lashed out - that was some seriously gross sexual touching. Having strangers think you are communal property is not OK. The violence isn’t OK either, but understandable in the circumstances.

Ah, hail other EDS-er. I would give you a hi-5 of solidarity, but my wrist would dislocate.

My father said that as well, despite all the evidence to the contrary he was banging on about how much “safer” the American economy would be under Trump. Then again, the father is an epic racist, sexist, narcissist who says that no politician should be female nor a day under [insert whatever his current age is at the

Have the Immunity Cat MTG card, this situation requires it and it costs no mana.

I better get my goatee beard growing, then.

Thank you, Pope Francis, for continuing to vilify women who seek abortions by making it an action that requires forgiveness from a virgin wearing a wizard costume.

“British anti-immigration activist Peter Brimelow”

Shouldn’t have kept watching, I’ve nearly destroyed my monitor trying to slap the dumb bint. She talks like a peevish 5 year old.

I’ve never seen this woman before and even I think she’s obnoxious after 15 seconds of that clip.

Meh, doesn’t undo the value of what he said. Besides, if you’ve had to trawl through several years of Tweets to dig that one up, it’s not him who has the problem, it’s the person digging through dirt to discredit someone who said a good thing.

I really, really, REALLY like the way you think!

Sort of, definitely can take a laptop, jury’s still out on whether I can take a Mariachi band in with me.

Aw man, now I want Cinnabon, and there’s no Cinnabon in the UK. :(

Things I don’t want my superhero origin story to include, #76476 - radioactive boner gene-splicing.

You gave him the gift of being an active member of the household!