Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

That’s a wonderful way to give Mr Sandwich maker a role in life, some purpose will make him feel more valid as a human! After all, it’s apparently validating for ladies, it’s unfair to not share the joy!

Well, guys have been complaining that they are depressed due to being made obsolete by feminism, not performing “wife” duties gives him a purpose! You are doing the lord’s work!

Thank you! The good thing about this is that at least I don’t have to worry about developing thyroid cancer (again). My discharge note says that my cancer was follicular (after my surgeon had said it was “a type of it” when I asked if he meant it was papillary) after all, so I’m thinking all the dental x-rays I had

Ahoy hoy Jezzies!

OK that’s like 30 different kinds of adorable, and I don’t even like kids. Look at those big eyes and chubby cheeks. Awwwwwwwwwww!

This is what I thought, it almost felt like he was contesting the possibility of her being revived in the hope it would absolve him of all parental responsibility. What sort of father would lovingly drag their dying kid through a legal battle like this? Very much fuck you, “dad”.

Queenie decided that urgent renovations were required when she saw Donald Trump had tried to take a bite of her style - even though poorly executed, knowing he shares a love of gold and chintz would be enough to make anyone decide to fully modernise their decor.

I’d noticed a certain common “style” across out and proud Trump supporting women. Blond, helmet hair, and doing this whole head-shake & semiorgasmic shoulder roll whilst saying “oh, he’s just wwwwwwwonderful” in an emphatic manner not dissimilar to the type you’d see in adverts for trashy foods during the 80s.

My one hope out of this is that that kid is going to own the rights for one epic movie once they hopefully win the case.

Syphilitic cocksore!

I dig your friend.

Well, common sense has hardly been a key feature in this whole debacle.

Have a big, heartfelt hug that probably lasts that little bit too long and makes you feel uncomfortable.

Yup, being called out for bigotry is *far* worse than living under threat of being lynched, doncha know? The poor, oppressed dears.

But of course it’s the left who need to monitor their language and be more pleasant.

Replies to his Yahoo Answers questions of “can you catch AIDS from rimming?” and “is it legal to fuck an underage boy if you do it on the state line?”.

Sales invoice for a party keg of amyl nitrate and 132 Grindr password reset links

I did like how she ran it parallel to the radicalisation of Muslims (who have usually dealt with a LOT of shit to get to the point where they’re easy pickings for hate groups), mostly because it will really piss off alt. right types to be likened to them.

Yup, better not upset them by not letting them call you a n*****.

Yup, I don’t accept a man who has never had to deal with any of the issues that women, POC and trans*folks face telling me how to act and feel about things, especially when they’re telling me to do what make them more comfortable, and supports their position in the pecking order (or more supports any type of pecking