Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

He also depends on dog whistles for deniable plausibility, which the person asking for proof will rely on heavily to make you out to be wrong.

Yup, it flew under the radar purely because it doesn’t look like the stereotype of terrorism - IE based on either land disputes or religion, and more recently expected to be POC, because these days people forget that Britain spent decades being attacked by other white people. The fact is that we have a bunch of guys

One thing I am hearing WAY too much of now (well, over the wrong things) is “why should I?”.

I fell in love with Indian head massage for probably this reason, it’s amazingly soothing, and babies / small children love it as well. I spend quite a while with the children of friends on my knee, rubbing their bonces - I think they get the ASMR head whoosh from it or something, but whatever it does for them they

Which will be followed with charging any woman caught drinking alcohol with child endangerment.

The worrying think is, no matter how much media attention it gets, Trump voters will always see him as perfectly acceptable.

Yup, I’m glad they showed their hand, because I realise how much dead weight I was carrying (and giving far, FAR too much leeway and attempts to offer guidance / education to when they always stopped by MY Facebook to shit on MY posts - something I never do to anyone). Not wasting any more energy on that lot.

Interestingly, that kind of fits in with something I saw about the rise of the alt. right and MRA extremism. We’ve a load of guys feeling like their power is diminished and get radicalised when they start looking for someone else to blame.

It came up on one of the UK feminist groups I’m a member of on Facebook, as A LOT of women had noticed it and were thinking “well of course you think that, you’re white, and a man”.

Now playing

Not Farage, it’s a “comedian” called Jonathan Pie.

Me too. Although it’s brought to light how many men I know who harbor bigoted sympathies.

Ah, the Jonathan Pie video that white, cisgender men are sharing like candy at Hallowe’en, usually with the comment “THIS!!!!!!!!”. The one that basically blames Trump on left wingers for challenging bigotry. The one that says that this wouldn’t have happened if women and minorities (and their allies) stayed silent

Thank you! How are you doing this dark and jarring week?

Oosh. Yeah, I’d not considered her fears for her personal rights as a gay woman in this as well, just the greater fears for society as a whole (including the rights of LGBT Americans, as in all the rights fought for and won for women, POC, and LGBT all being under threat, if that makes sense). That takes some

Thing is, historically his satire has been along the lines of “telling it like it is” (see his post-Brexit “meltdown” sketch) as opposed to skewering an unpopular / unlikely POV with hyperbole, so it’s not really along the same lines of Brass Eye. No one’s under the impression that it’s not meant as a comedy sketch,

Watching the video, I think she was close to tears herself, you could hear the lump in her throat and see the tears pricking her eyes towards the end and when she turned to the audience. She did an amazing job of keeping it together in my opinion, having impersonated Hillary for so long must add an extra layer of

I guess the future would depend on whether he has your back and how much she inserts herself in your life. As you’ve mentioned downthread, your guy is supportive, so you’re covered there, so really how often you have to deal with her is the crux here. If she’s constantly ringing and in your face (like my ex’s

That sounds a bit like what I was considering suggesting - with all the kids who are going to see a surge in bullying, many are going to end up being homeschooled for their safety - volunteering at libraries or other places where parents might gather to educate their kids to offer help in a subject you are strong in

Hey Jezzies!

I’m also getting people commenting that all the attacks are because the “PC brigade” have oppressed bigots for too long and it’s a backlash for minorities and women not being good little nobodies and keeping their mouths shut.