Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Cheers bubulah! I’m kind of used to what my parents are like, but I’m surprised at how shocked I was by hearing the diagnosis - it was the most likely outcome, and the prognosis is so good it’s nothing to panic over, but I still went wide-eyed and dry mouthed. Quite an achievement with me, to be honest, I don’t

Evening (well morning for me) Jezzies!

I’d put ten shiny pound coins towards such a noble cause.

When his test comes back full of Ritalin and cocaine, he’s going to claim Clinton either swapped test samples or paid the testing company to falsely reveal that she’s clean and he’s a druggy.

Me too!!!

I absolutely adore my grey hairs - they look like glitter. Trouble is I also like my hair in mad, vibrant colours. I have taken full advantage of the ombre trend to rock both my natural colour with glitter hairs and mad hair tips, but I’m now at a point where I need to bleach higher up my hair due to growth. Getting

My rheumatologist once asked me if I had any discharge from my penis. I am a cisgendered woman with absolutely no signs of a penis.

Not my gross, but once I was in A&E (British ER) when a nurse was asking for the suction device. As he returned it to his colleague, he said his patient’s ear turned out to be “full of bedbugs”. If I wasn’t already vomiting non-story, I would have started then.

I wonder if we can trick her into running by telling her she’s doing motivational speeches at events to encourage young women to achieve their dreams, when really she’s doing the primary and caucus circuit. You know, get to the end and be all “surprise, you’re President”? She’d laugh, and be all “aw man, you got

I’ve been told she’s already said she’s not interested in the role, but I would donate my ovaries to someone who needs their sweet egg producing functions for Michelle Obama to become President, and I’m not even an American (or living in America). I get the inspiration chills from every damned speech she gives.

I’m sorry you’ve been through all that - there’s a lot on your list that I’ve experienced as well. It fucking sucks that this is the female condition.

It’s the first thing that struck me here - Trump supporters are so aggressive and rabid they wouldn’t think twice about harming anyone who speaks out against their god. I’m really worried for her.

Urgh, she must have felt like she needed to bathe in hand sanitiser after having to deal with that. More so since as a teen, you feel less able to tell people to go fuck themselves, especially people who wield power over you like Captain Fart would have very much enjoyed doing.

No, you’re not paranoid, there’s a definite disconnect of their brain going on there that’s quite upsetting to observe. They also all behave like the inferior friend of the most popular kid in class, you know the sort, desperate to prove themselves and their loyalty and coming across like an idiot as they’re doing it.

OMG I could totally get behind a ball pit. That would rock!

There’s this Stepford Wife thing going on with every woman I’ve seen bleating her support for Trump. They just keep twittering the same lines, and appear incapable of independent critical thought.

“Your tail is showing.”

What gets me is the fact that the very same people slamming her for staying with him would equally give her hell for not respecting her wedding vows and “working” to save her marriage. Trump’s Tossers will grasp at any straws whilst pathetically flailing at the minutest opportunity to vent their outright hatred of

Fuck, that’s exactly the date I was born!!!

I wonder if it sends people back in time to kill them slowly?