Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Urgh, his taste is appalling.

I am so sorry that happened to you. As UMD already knew what the guy was like, they massively failed in their duty of care towards other students, over here (UK) someone would sue a university that allowed that to happen so aggressively the dean have to sell their teeth to cover the bill.

I’m sorry things didn’t work out for you, relationships suck.

Courtney: *puts Q Lazzarus on* Would you fuck me? I’d fuck me. 

Hence I ended “If you can fit it in someones mouth, you can fit it in other orifices.” - I’d not ignored the fact it says he’d paid for oral sex. His argument that he can’t get his penis close enough to rape someone would mean it’s impossible to blow him because no one could get the head near without smothering

He might be also arguing that he’s one of those guys who are so lonely that they pay prostitutes just to spend time with them (*snort* yeah, right), but if sex workers are consistently saying he has previously received sexual favours, he’s just digging himself a deeper hole to get out of.

Basically, we can petition the government as a nation with the whole signature bruhaha, asking for them to at least discuss the possibility - but they are the ones who have a final say over whether a second referendum will take place. So far, they’re giving the line of “the people have spoken, and we have to honor

At the moment, Cruella DeVille (Theresa May, sucessor to Pigfucker Supreme) is saying that democracy has spoken and we have to go through with it, whether we like it or not. Much as people are campaigning for a second referendum (especially since a load of people expressed regret for voting leave, apparently because

I probably should elaborate - I’ve had sex with a guy of very similar stats (penis included, my palm is 6.89cm across, it just made it past halfway across my palm, the rest of him was taller and wider) so am quietly confident it’s possible. The trick’s flipping the belly up as you enter.

Too small for sex, but regularly pays sex workers for the sexual activities he says he can’t have*, which is it?


Aw, he *was* a bear of a guy, he looks like he gave great hugs. Bed cuddles are the best, especially when they know how to curl up next to you just the right way to tessellate with you. <3

Hot dayum! I would kick neither out of bed for eating biscuits and leaving crumbs in the sheets.

I am so very sorry for your loss. Not going to lie, your story made me cry. I always joke that my dog is the overspill for my heart, because he’s where I pour all my love into - the thought that I will one day have to face a world without him carves me up. I’d be like you, and cling to the threads that remain in

The lady who used to live in my flat had two chihuahuas before she died. The older one was so distraught he had to be PTS as well, so I too applaud the Queen for her consideration of the dog’s welfare as being more important than her own desire to be surrounded by lovely puppers. It’s a bad enough worry thinking

Have a bikky in the sky, Good Girl gone to heaven. Good Girl. *pats air*

It’s one of the points where me and ‘er Madge see eye to eye as well.

I posted this downthread, but as I’m late to the party you might miss the joy. There’s one unsavory solution to the whole Brexit saga leaving the UK as the laughing stock of the world.

Heh, this came up on my Facebook feed today, related to both the absolute shit tip Farage helped created and the whole Trump shenanigans.

I post about political subjects far less than I would like to because it’s always a bit upsetting when someone you thought highly of turns out to harbour bigoted views and defend them in a vitriolic yet childish manner. I did, however, share the shit out of this one.