Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Our model, despite people occasionally complaining about not having “the tools to do the job safely”, definitely helps keep the number of people killed during interactions with the police low - there’s been a few people die from being tasered, but I think most times a taser is fired, the person firing it expects to

Evening Jezzies!

It’s like these police people think that Grand Theft Auto is real life.

Urgh, I once got stuck in an alleyway by a truck that was some sort of disposal truck for sanitary bins. I’ve never seen one before, and thankfully not seen one since. These guys were just tipping those little bins into the back of this truck, which was one of those wire mesh sided utility trucks - I would have

The thing that grosses me out the most about American public toilets is how high the stall walls and door are. You can virtually see your neighbour checking the loo roll to see if they’re done next to you. How the fuck is that a thing in any civilised country???

Anything that prevents a judge misusing their discretion to benefit privileged shits like Turner simply because they identify and empathise with someone who potentially has thrown a decent future away is good in my book. My main concern would be judges either bumping the charge down or finding someone not guilty to

Her shaved head is part of her personal brand, so the wig seems to me to seriously remove her identity to a point where it didn’t feel good - I actually *do* feel uncomfortable about removing the things that make her *her*.

“My ‘uncomfortable’ comment was about the fact that I felt like I wanted more out of the performance – when someone is doing a hot, sexy dance like that without the right amount of energy that is required, it can be uncomfortable to watch”

I’m right in interpreting this as fucking wonderful news, right? American law is somewhat confusing to me so I’m concerned that I might be getting over excited over something that might not be as good as it looks.

Having had to deal many a time with guys who’ve sexually assaulted me and my friends in a similar manner (whilst out on the piss) over the years, his claim that it’s all “pranks” will give him pretty much a free pass to assault with gay abandon.

Lots and lots of couldn’t give less of a shit about her ex sex with someone much better. She is living her best life.

Things I learned from this:

It’s really disrespectful to her husband as well, can you imagine how it must feel being bombarded with people basically saying she’d rather be with her ex? She’s happy with a man she loves now, and is probably in a way glad things happened the way they did because she otherwise might not be with him.

I can’t begin to imagine how awful she must feel right now, she’ll blame herself for picking up the phone, even though we all know that it wasn’t her fault.

For full balance there, we now need to spread rumours that Brad’s pregnant every time he holds anything that covers his stomach.

The vasoconstrictive nature of methyphenidate & ethyphenidate causes nasal tissue damage that will give a person the worst snotty nose for weeks, or so a rat I used to know told me, so I’m thinking Ritalin. Eitherway, something’s up his nose that’s not meant to be up there.

I was thinking Ritalin, the water, lack of being able to follow a thread even in his own statements, poor impulse control and twitchiness seem classic Methyphenidate / Ethylphenidate abuse.

I have a feeling the first thing Jennifer Aniston thought when she heard the news that Brad and Angelina had split up was “oh for fuck’s sake, now everyone’s going to badger me for a comment”.

Now playing

This one briefly made me debate my child free status. Briefly.