Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Sure! England (I’m an insomniac of terrible proportions hence I’m scouring Jez at 4am).

Seeing today’s apparent shakedown of Jim Carey, you can’t help admire Leah’s ovaries of steel with this.

Llama face!!

Very much so, if you suffer from an adrenaline reaction (like mine, where my lungs would feel like they were the size of grapes and I’d loose feeling in my hands and feet as my body failed spectacularly to fight or flee) it basically makes you bomb-proof. I only stopped taking it because it was causing quite bad fluid

Dammit, I keep trying to resize and nothing works. Enjoy the giant pit of doom.

It’s OK ladies, I’ve got this one!

I envy her collection. I have this awesome pair of Karl Largerfeld dodecahedronal sunglasses in my mess somewhere, I like to pretend I’m channelling Sophia as they slide down my chubby nose.

This just gets creepier and creepier. The naming of assets he intends to cease just whiffs of attempting to destroy Carey out of spite more than anything. That church is 500 types of fucked up.

I really don’t feel comfortable with them naming someone who himself was a child at the time in this manner over “a theory”, the lad’s had a shit enough life already.

Only as a semen receptacle.

I remember some footage of them arguing appeared a while back (around the time of her mastectomy, she was pacing about and smoking), and rumbles of tensions, but to be fair they would be a super rare couple if they were together as long as they were without the odd argument.

This is glorious and what the internet was made for.

Where does socialite sit on the periodic table, anyway?

I got to the part “If you die, I die” and everything went dark. I quickly realised that this was because my eyes had rolled so hard, I was looking out of my arsehole.

I had to import it from America as well (British, what-what tally-ho)!

It’s also widely used to treat panic attacks, I was on it for years.

Much as yes, funny to adults, this sort of thing slides into serious fuckery - case in point, local-ish to me, a teacher threatening to “fuck up” a student who pissed him off, ended with blows exchanged and a job lost...

So *that’s* why he has a 2ft wide urethra!

It’s OK, let it all out. *hands a tissue whilst patting you on the back*

... he should probably pay a visit to the clinic, and ya’ know... get himself “checked”.... *sucks teeth*