Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast


The age range is 32 to 43, all are female, two bowel, four breast, one skin and then mine will be the only thyroid. The bowel, breast and thyroid I see as kind of in the same family as they’re all solid tissue masses, the only one I don’t see as likely to be associated with any of the others is the skin cancer. I

Thank you!

Hmm, I’m not been told about an Afirma test, just that it was “re-evaluated and regraded” (I was informed by letter so haven’t had chance to ask why it was re-evaluated or what system this was done under), hopefully I’ll be seeing my endocrinologist whilst I am in hospital to ask him about it.

Noooo! I hope you don’t need anything doing that impacts your sports, you must be on tenterhooks!

Oh god, you’re right.

Thank you! I plan on keeping fellow Jezzies updated, because I am a ghoul and fascinated by that sort of stuff, thus assume everyone else is. Next SNS, you’ll be getting the full run down of the op.

Oooh, I do LOVE The Producers, I can do this science!

I’ve not seen Being There, but if it helps, another film that gave me anxiety was Clockwise. I’ve never been sure if film anxiety was a thing that others experienced, it’s quite comforting to know others have it!

No! There’s three of us so far now!

Thank you, your highness!

My blood tests came through as completely euthyroid (as in it’s functioning perfectly as a thyroid), it was the ultrasound and biopsy that indicated urgent removal. It’s taken since November this far - not because the British NHS is slow, but because my previous GP refused to examine me correctly and reluctantly

Thank you so much! Originally my biopsy came back as a Thy3F, but then it was reassessed and regraded to a Thy4, so I’m guessing that whatever looks suspect is follicular. It’s been hard to know what to research, though, especially with it being impossible to get a definate diagnosis without removing the whole nodule.

Looking at it with feminist film critique glasses on, it’s also the privileged young man’s guide to getting away with it as well. I’m mainly stressed out by the film, but the strong “boys will be boys” message can’t have had good wider social implications.

Yay, thank you!

I will do!

I r an artisty!

I’m glad you’ve not procrastinated on getting El Lumpo looked at, you can never be too cautious with additional bumps! I’m sending positive vibes in your direction that your suspicion of a cyst is confirmed (I come from a long line of lumpy boobed women, so whilst I’ve not had a worrisome lump of my own have seen

Thank you! I’ve not had a nuclear test or scan done because all signs point to cancer (I’m chemically and biologically euthyroid, meaning the actual day to day running of my thyroid is hunky dory, no abnormalities in hormone production), is that the radioactive iodine test test to determine if the mass is hot or cold?

Thank you!