Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

But! But! So many people complicit in his shoddy behaviour!! So many witnesses making it harder for him to deny everything! STRESS!!!

He can pry them from my (very) cold, (narcotised) dead hands.

I love it!!

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off seriously stresses me out so much I refuse to watch it again. This might sound rediculous, but all that anxiety trying to not get caught, ARGH!!!

Well, half of it and the ithmus, I’ve a Thy4 nodule about the size of half a large plum that needs to go - it’s been a bit of a comedy of errors getting this far, I first noticed it in November and then was dicked about by my previous GP.


Thankings! *happy dance*

I live on my own and am a chronic over-sharer, of course you’re all going to be kept in the loop! ;)

Hey Jezzies!
So this week is D week for me, Tyrone the thyroid lump is finally coming out (I’m debating changing his name to Mr Sweet, for spod reasons) on Wednesday!!!

I’ve started to feel a bit weird about the op - anxious or scared aren’t the right way to explain it, I guess apprehensive might be closer, but at the


The local papers have had a frenzy of internet commenters vomiting out the usual “political correctness gone mad” bullshit with a side helping of “women will constantly be reporting men for nothing, because evil uterus or something, also: girls smell”.

Oh the men ARE seeing their arses about this, most are claiming that evil vindictive women (I.E., how they see all women) will be making spurious, false claims of misogyny.

Awww! Thankqua!

Oh lordy. I hope those guys end up with permanent infected haemorrhoids.

He sounds like the kind of guy who responds to women who tell him that they are a feminist and want equality with “great! That means I can hit you!”.

Do you also roll in bed and get one stuck under you as well? This happens with depressing regularity with my ageing bubs. I’d wear a crop top to contain them, but clothes suck.

Or get squished into a mono-boob if you position your boobs so they don’t fall out the sides (or front).


Hoooooo-weeeeee look at all that sniffing and nose rubbing, that strangely coincides with Beibs becoming more bouncy. I wonder what could be going on there? (coke. I mean to insinuate Bieber is coked up here.)?

Ooh, are you like me in that not only can you imbibe A LOT of drugs and not be anywhere near as wasted as others you’ve taken drugs with, but even when you ARE high you show no outward signs (well, apart from the toilet issue) that you’re toasted? I’ve quite a reputation amongst my peers for my ability to maintain -