Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

For me, ALL uppers make me shit. I’d just taken that as a given (everyone knows about the coffee shits, which are caused by the caffeine - I’d assumed it was the same with all stimulants).


OK Tom, I’ll give you a go since you’ve been pestering so long.

Seriously, the worst thing about Gawker’s death has been the MRA scum with nothing better to do flooding here to beg feminists for attention with their lame “trolling”. I can’t wait for them to go back to sniffing their mother’s underwear whilst masturbating for their entertainment.

I rebranded bank holiday Mondays “Wank holiday Monday” as it’s a much better representation of what I spend my time doing. I find it much more productive to dedicate my day to enthusiastically rubbing one (or two, or twenty) out than to attempt leaving the house.

I love this, also her frock is divine.

His sentence was disgustingly short, but I don’t think protesting his release by camping outside his house with guns is right. Here, these people should be protesting the law that allowed the guys to prance off, scot-free, rather than the person who benefited from it.

Ouch. I know that in comparison, we pay a lot of tax on our wages (income tax and national insurance takes roughly 20% of our wages on average) to pay for these things, but we definately get a good deal on what we pay.

Shall do, thank you! I’m *so* going to photo journal as much as I can, mainly as a reminder that I’m able to get through ANYTHING, but also because I’m a chronic over-sharer.

Now I’m in the right place, I’m being well looked after. They’re huge on consent as well, my surgeon had me sign my consent forms and said I can withdraw my consent at any time I want. It’s hardly like I would want to, but he was super sweet about it.

Oh god yes. It’s been so frustrating when doctors have been freaking out over the length of time things have taken, only for the various admins to decide they know better than a doctor and leave everything for months. Once I’ve got pathology confirmation on everything I’m getting a complaint in.

Thank you! I’m bizzarly excited that I’m going in for the chop, but like you said, the whole saga will be over with after such long time of being messed around.

Yup, my surgeon discussed the nerve business, basically it is a concern because the main part of my role at work is done over the phone but obviously it’s an unavoidable risk. I already have a deep and husky voice, so I am amused at the thought of it becoming even deeper and huskier, but quieter.

My bank holiday long weekend was last week (UK), but I am very glad of the short working week I’ve enjoyed!!

I’m no gynecologist, but I know a cunt when I see one.

Shit, picture wouldn’t post. :(

Diddums, has Mr Entitlement discovered that there are limitations on his privilege card?

I’m conflicted for this reason. On one hand, he’s claiming harassment and that shit should always be taken seriously, on the other, the language of his statement has so many cacophonous MRA dog-whistles in it that my dog was surprised by the noise, and he’s in fucking England.

In this guy’s ideal world, women would be killed off and there will just be cities where the walls are covered in vaginas for men to fuck as they please. You don’t get forced to treat fuck-holes with respect, and then you can surround yourself with lots of manly-men with shaved heads and awful beards. Hmm...