Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Oooh, not looked through the comments yet, but HHGTTG is Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy.

I really am not liking this open season on the spouse of presidential hopefuls, it doesn’t seem right that someone who isn’t actually running for president is hauled over the coals like they are.

I’m just screwing on my “fucked up and abused” head for a minute to try and figure out LiLo’s angle here.

I had a 1st year juniors teacher who hated me with such vitriol I’m surprised she didn’t burn through her chair.

I hope the gothness isn’t restricted to just the scene in the trailer.

I r scholarly and teh such.

The ancient scholar’s tome (Google translate) says fieri stercore (although that’s shit happen, it actually turns to “shit happens” when you add the s.

“Right, there you are! One tag around your ankle”
“Oh. OK, so what does it do?”
“It stops you from having any more lady murdering escapades”
“You’re just not meant to do any murdering of women whilst you’re wearing it”
“You’re just not meant to”
“I wasn’t meant to before, yet *here* I am, with my ankle in your

There’s a disgusting number of people in those positions of power as well, the motto for their professional guild must be whatever “women are disposable” is in Latin.

*breathes heavily*

“It’s just a chick. Chicks a fungible. New chicks are born every day, what difference does one less make apart from one less whining?”

I can imagine the thought process must be “Jeesh, she must have done something really bad to make him this mad”.

How is a man who violently kidnaps a woman not refused bail? HOW? A fucking tag isn’t some magical amulet of protection, it’s a piece of plastic that works only on the principal that a very bad man will want to obey the law all of a sudden because he’s wearing a trinket.

If you’re talking entry level starter wage for a non-skilled worker, that’s about right for “Oop Norf” (northern England to the uninitiated) - my lowest grade clerical staff start at £14,800.

I agree, as far as I can tell they’ve been wonderfully supportive and parents should probably look to them for pointers should they find themselves in the same scenario.

I though Shiloh was going by John now?


Is that pity party invite only, or can all the people she pissed off come?

You’ll find yourself saying “[thing] is important to my people” a lot afterwards. It’s a joy to behold.