Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

I need that outfit from the album artwork in black. NOW.

My friend who has AS likes “ass-pie”, I guess most people like to approach their disabilities with a warped sense of humour.

I came for the kick ass woman, yet stayed for the puns.

“I see you’re a first time murderer, I rule that boys will be boys...”

Sounds fine to me, we all need words to use about someone not being very nice, and as long as that word is not at the expense of someone else I’m cool with it!

Is it accompanied by the satisfied grin of the Grinch hatching a plan? If so, you’re still good.


Oh man, I’m so sorry about that. I have epilepsy from a head injury as well - it’s not so much the seizure that’s painful (I don’t even know they’re happening, just wake up thinking I’m somewhere else and confused, the first one I had my colleagues just kept telling me who they were and I was all “why the fuck are you

Wouldn’t mind at all, anything that helps the cause!

I think it’s common to wish that something would happen to people like that just to force a bit of empathy into them. It’s not so much wishing disabilities on to people, more wishing something that would change their perspective.

Some of his best friends are "R”s!

Plenty of experience of dealing with people desperately defending their “right” to be offensive, these days I think they must get their “defending prejudice crib sheet” from Reddit or something, because they go through the same points with depressing regularly!

Very much so!

I think that what makes that part hard is the way it’s embedded with previously enjoyable entertainment. You have this moment where you’re checking through your reaction because we’re oh so conditioned to think we’re the ones at fault, especially when everyone else is laughing.

Oh I stand my ground, but you know the way people react to someone pointing out an ~ism. You are over sensitive! You have no sense of humour!

It’s definitely a situation that isn’t just limited to disabilities, and the using femininity as an insult very much sits in the same vein. Our whole lives are viewed as so *hilariously* less-than that someone is offended to be likened to you. Yet, if you get offended by someone being offended for being told they are

Two possible explanations:

I’m physically disabled - whenever I see or hear disability being used as a slur, it’s a gut punch. When what you are is considered the biggest insult you can throw at another person and it’s used so regularly so casually, you are made very aware of your position as a second class citizen. I know that a lot of common

“It’s OK, he wasn’t mocking that journalist, he was mocking *all* disabled people! Stop being so sensitive!”