Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

For such casual use of the R word as a slur, I officially declare Ann Coulter an infected herpes sore on the clitoris of humanity.

“T-T-Taylor, I

Lawyers for the trio filed their opening brief with the ninth circuit court of appeals on 24 August, arguing that “if left to stand, the Blurred Lines verdict would chill musical creativity and inhibit the process by which later artists draw inspiration from earlier artists to create new popular music”.

I expect a four minute freestyle beat poem about how he plans to have sex with Taylor Swift, which he will dedicate to his wife.

This pasta seems low on affirmative consent. If a pasta that makes people fuck you is on the menu for a date, I’d be thinking “why would fuck inducing food be needed? Where is my say in this fuck-a-thon?”

I am very jealous and now feel unloved, rejected and horribly grey. Sniff.

Scene: Musk, sat at computer in a room decorated to look like the future- when imagined in the 1980s, and vaping. He is an enthusiastic vapist. He leans forward in pushes a button on an intercom that is on his desk, and clears his throat before he speaks.

She really should report the guitar as stolen at this point, he’s more than likely looking to sell it for a tidy sum rather than treat it as a precious memento.

I wrote a diatribe, then gave up in an angry huff. Do the anti-abrotion movement really think that women poisoning themselves as Purvi has been accused of doing to not be pregnant anymore? This stands a very really chance of becoming a daily occurrence as abortion regulations become more restrictive.

Hooboy. I walk my own path, so regularly get the Christians trying to “save” me - as noted in this thread, most religious intolerance comes from those guys - and they’re so petty, peevish, judgemental and nasty with it for such a huge amount of the time. Sorry Christians, but a lot of your number are *the worst* for

Yeah, the most obnoxious people I know are all very loud christians (sorry non-obnoxious christians, I know you’re out there too!) - they seem to think their religion grants them both absolution from the law, and the right to dictate what the law is.

Yes! No signs of exhaustion (which, let’s face it, to us mere mortals would be impossible) and in fact makes it look effortless.

I have to commend the choice of photo for this article, she looks so damned happy you can’t help but feel a bit of that happiness vicariously. Yay!

They now also play the main refrain from Also Sprach Zarathustraas you plung them into your thigh. The kids versions have a selection of pop songs and have a Minecraft sleeve design.

Nope, not even with my super flo’!

I use a Moon Cup, and was about to post above about why I love it so much.

Not just eating a salad, laughing at a salad.

This is totally what my twin and I would have done in the same situation, so I adore that they did this.

What’s your take on the suggestion of Burke harming JB, and Patsy & John covering it up?

Crikey, that just shows how little exposure to violence is needed for kids to start copying it - I can’t imagine them watching GOT would have gone on unnoticed for very long, nor would they be rewatching over and over again if the kids are Peppa Pig watching age! I guess that must still make you hyper aware of what