Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

I know there was a bit of “how dare you make this about vagina owners” butt hurt a bit ago, but I’ve yet to work out what is supposedly so offensive there.

It was after he turned around and started hesitating. The smug sack of shit was probably gloating that hard all the way through. I hope every day in jail is a living hell for that man.

He is. I wish that the guy had got some serious digs in on that smug waste of flesh.

Yup, I couldn’t work if it wasn’t for the hightly demonised oxycondone that I’m on (amongst other things).

Yet MRAs can get Feminists United suspended for upsetting their fee-fees within minutes. Glad to see Facebook is consistent.

I keep worrying about what that young boy’s future is going to be like as well. He’ll always be “the kid that caused a gorilla to be killed”.

I would have grave concerns for anyone clicking it.

I’m pretty certain that this clickbait that appeared on my news feed is trying to allude that Harambe was a paedophile.

If those texts are genuine, Deuters is a terrible person for enabling Depp’s behaviour and convincing Heard to go back.

Or at least reformat the myth. I’m all for something that tells kids that their body has value and that they and they only have say in when & how they share their body with other people, however the current concept of virginity’s value and meaning is toxic beyond belief.

Yup, basically social conditioning has created a huge pocket of easily accessable and abusable children. One where the abused kids get congratulated on being abused. It’s so fucked up its unreal.

I’m so sorry you had those horrid experiences as a child and hope that therapy is working well for you. I know it’s weird when someone finally labels what you’d just accepted as normal with tags like “molestation” and “abuse”, so I hope you’re now comfortable in calling it what it was and finding it healing.

Yup, it’s something that’s stuck with me, it was very effective at getting the point across.

Why is it that the classic ephebophile’s excuse that “they’re in love” is always so readily accepted that you see the encounters referred to in reports as “sex” rather than the rape that it is? I do think it’s a very important distinction to make - not only does it diminish the damage done to the child involved, but

Oh FFS. At this rate I’m going to have to drink Champange.

Yup. Abusers are manipulative well practised liars who take advantage of a person’s loyalty and use it against them. I’m certain my abuser started trying to set me up to look like the one at fault very early in the relationship, meaning I felt like I had no one to turn to when he did awful things.

YES. Thank you. The “if you don’t press charges immediately you must be lying or enjoy it” brigade completely ignore how hard it is to actually go through with the police side of things. Not only is it difficult to realise that the behaviour has tipped into criminal due to the way that abuse is introduced (slowly &

I know it was rough, but congratulations on both getting out *and* keeping your fluffies, despite how awfully things were stacked against you. You managed something so freaking hard and have a lot to be proud about there.

Aw thank you, the dog will never turn down hugs and it’s margarita weather! I *think* all the trauma is now firmly behind us. For a while my ex had also blackmailed me into staying by threatening to have my dog put down (I have a “no bite play” rule and he ignored it to enticed my dog to bite him - he then reported it

The blinkers definately go on for some people when it comes to loved / idolised ones. Not only is it frustrating to know what someone is like and have people be wilfully ignorant about it, but in many cases the missed opportunities for intervention have disastrous effects.