Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

I just want to muzz its chops!

Oh lordy. Downward Dog appears to be basically me and my dog.

Aren’t you meant to swap implants out every ten years as well?

Even the NHS here lets down the mentally ill. It seems that mental illness is seen as not a “real” illness so not worthy of any sort of investment.


Oh god, that reminds me of my ex who insisted he was a “genius” with his fingers, I’d gently give directions or try to move into a better position (both for clitoral stimulation and to try and stop him lacerating my vulva with his disgusting talons) and end up receiving a lecture about how *he* knew more about my body

Well, now I know that if I ever have a need to feel nauseous, all I need to do is watch that video again.

Seriously, it’s getting to the point where I wouldn’t be surprised if a “prom uniform” (women only, because guys need to be told that they can do anything they want from as young an age as possible, don’t ya know) was established, high necked, long hemline, no skin showing, but you can chose one out of three colours

I had relatively straight hair until my mum made me shave my head for dying my hair black. Since then it’s been like an explosion in a mattress factory (the frizz made worse by trying to tame it, as you would expect).

Perhaps they could go for a ride together. It would be a wanker kebab.

Whilst the reason that this request is being made can easily be outlined as “for legal purposes” I can’t help but feel that this also has an element of continuing the abuse to it - if he can’t invade her physically any more, he’ll intrude on what was a safe personal space for her and show that he still controls her.

Oh god yes. I’m in England, and the only way I really interact with new content is by a late night (insomnia and I have a rocky but long term relationship) as generally new articles start to appear at about 11pm. You’re less likely to build the solid comment history required to be given the OK when you’re commenting

I would be pleased to be ungray as well, I feel ghost like floating around in the grays!!

Rubbing out a groin cramp

Sending positive vibes your way. I hope the outcome is much better than you fear.

They faked a life destroying crime for attention. This is absolutely the vilest publicity stunt I can think of. It’s not cool or edgy. It’s trying to appropriate the sympathy meant for genuine victims.

Give your natural intuition a high-5!

I’ve disliked her since the whole surrendered wife palaver.

That came to my mind as well. I just don’t feel that they’re at a level of fame where a sex tape would be of enough interest to the public for a leak to be worth the hassle.

Awesome! A dildo that contains a real dick!