Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

How very prison couture.

Stormtroopers with sharp moves? Be still, my beating panties.

“Just like Jebus would have told me, abandon the sick and honk your horn as you drive away, for good is the man who’s a douche”

I’ve so far gone six months no contact with my narcissist parents after giving them far too many second chances to put things right. It’s a horrible swirl of anger and guilt trips, but time and time again they prove that they can’t control their disdain towards a kid they never wanted (as a second twin AND a girl, I

I’m going to have to buy in more vermouth.

Yeah, it threw me that his silence is portrayed as a bad thing - professional discretion surely is a good thing in any industry, nevermind one where you are working with ill people who need to know they can trust you with things they don’t want broadcasting?

I’m confused as to why the police department have made the press aware of this. She commited no crime in having the embryo with her, even if it is a bit grim. I guess there’s some people who will never miss an opportunity to shame a troubled person.

If it hadn’t just been compared to poop, I would be *so* about getting that in my face.

I’ve never knowingly buttered flight attendants up, but seem to be likeable to them as I regularly get A LOT of free booze on non-free booze journeys. If I knew what it was they like so much, I’d ramp it up to 11 and see if they make me their queen.

I maintain that bananas are the Devil’s cock. Bletch!

Charlie Brooker has a wonderful knack of stabbing you in the well observed misery of life gland. He got toppled from my “painful, personally relatable and bleak” number one spot by Ricky and Morty’s Autoerotic Assimilation, which tore my heart out and left me sobbing for days.

My dog just ran into the room expecting a treat.

She definately doesn’t look happy at all, the poor kid. I can’t say I’m comfortable with a kid being reported on in this manner either, it’s bad enough for the poor little mite that her father is Ted Cruz.

The averted gaze made me think similar.

I remember a Black Mirror where people had contact lenses that did the same - a scene where people have lack lustre sex whilst viewing their old, more passionate conquests was particularly galling.

That was a fucking awful thing to do to another human being. The pushiness to cancel your plans on top of the whole charade and using you as free entertainment is sick and vile. How did they imagine this to be an ethical thing to do???

Holy shit, that’s some awful photoshop, it just ends up looking disconcertingly warped - they can’t even argue that they improved the image!

Yeah, I’m a Brit and opiates were my GP’s first point of call, but my pain started mainly as mechanical breakdown rather than nerve sensitivity.

Yup, I’m on oxycondone and paracetamol (I believe percocet is the two combined) for my ills and know how the desire to cap your pains spirals in tandem with your tolerance, I’m quite sure he was caught up in that rather than wanting to be high.