Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

All those lamps, yet not one of them is a leg.

No word of a lie, I would wear the shit out of that dress.

Of course, people died so you can vote for what someone looks like rather than their policies. Such a wonderful use of your privilage.



Much as I would love you guys to have your first female leader, I can’t help but imagine the possibilities if you get Saunders, we get Corbyn and Canada keeps Trudeau. It’s my leftie dream trifecta.

I kept double taking, as it looks perilously close to a British racial slur that I’m hoping isn’t known in the States, otherwise the choice of name is in *seriously* poor taste.

I was thinking I’d missed a new fangled phrase for th’ tinterweb, or something and was going to Google it.

Hmm, good point - I’d read the “possible feelings for Phillip” as a red herring to build up the “actaully, Mulan is gay” reveal or even as a deeper exploration of Mulan’s struggle between herself and gender norms.

It was a “present but not acted on” thing that I couldn’t work out if it was one sided or not, I was mainly too peeved at the cliche to enjoy that we finally had a gay Disney princess.

Eh, they *might* just end up with half a heart each.

Well I’m kind of glad that it wasn’t Mulan, I kind of cringed at the stereotype of “woman does something perceived t0 be masculine - must be gay” that was emerging.

So. Ummm... How do we train him not to do that again? Do we, like... rub his nose in his “mistake” or something? My political underpants have a lot riding on this guy and negetive behaviours will not help my cause. Or my pants.

Same here, I did a little froth and subsequently deflated when it turned out to not be a cover of Cyndi’s. :(

LOL! I’m a council house inhabitant but am pretty much the antithesis of chav-ness, hence the definition as being council is amusing. I mean, there’s plenty of chavvy types knocking around, but no more than the private housing areas.

Whilst reading this article and comments I’ve been mulling over what the best way to lead by example should look like.

I wouldn’t say it’s just social housing that defines a chav (I guess the best US approximation would be the derogatory trailer trash), you’ve got the constantly clothed in sports attire, congregating outside shops harassing the passers by and drinking White Lightening (very cheap cider), long history of petty

I’ve also always found the line of urinals thing totally weird, peeing should not be a public activity, yet men are encouraged to pee with as big an audience as possible (even my local bus depot has pop up urinals that they put around the public grounds at the weekend so drunk guys don’t wee all over the place. The

Team Fuzz FTW!

I’m pretty certain God’s plan didn’t involve hoarding gold either, but the church seems to be super OK over that.