Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Oh honey, I already am living that dream.

Oh god, you’re right. I was totally into their braid game until you pointed that out.

Apparently the contraceptive pill had the “break” built into it because it was feared that women would go insane if they didn’t have their monthly bleed. She may fear hysteria through lack of monthly discomfort and a lack of blood oozing out of her crotch region.

Seriously, the university needs to slap this shit right down, right now. A bunch of bully boys learning that they are allowed to dick swing as much as they want without fear of repercussion is not going to end well.

Yeah, they’re fucked up in a thousand different directions, this one being that they felt that a nose job was of greater importance than paying the mortgage on the family home they’d had for the past 30 years.

I was raised by parents obsessed with plastic surgery. It was toxic to my childhood, especially since I was told I was too ugly without plastic surgery to be anything in life. Luckily, I never caved despite low self esteem (the things I was told needed to be changed turned out to be adorable to others, I’ve not grown

It sounds far more entertaining than coprophile, does it not? :D

So every time someone carefully lined up a missile and shouted “eat shit” it was all for nothing?

I’m reminded of a case here in the UK, where a woman died after drinking vinegar as a “home abortion” simply because she couldn’t get an appointment with her GP to arrange one. She’d researched home aborticants online, the “advice” from the internet killed her.

Same, never had it before, never had it after, but I had 2 years solid BV with the thing (when I went to my GP, he said I had to go to the family planning clinic, the FPC said I had to go to the sexual health clinic, the SHC said I had to go to my GP... it was hell). No device is going near my cooter ever again.

Gargh! We should be supportive of what ever works for the individual. Sharing horror stories is important for others still going through the selection process - every form of contraception has its downsides, it’s more a case of which downsides you are prepared to experience. For example, having read this article and

That sounds terribly painful, I am so sorry you have experienced this.

Snap, my Mirena was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made contraception wise, it ended up a painful, infected nightmare that pierced my cervix. They’re only plastic, so I would hate to imagine what a copper one would have done to me.

I must now go research this young Kaner Flex fellow, for purely artistic reasons, of course.

I’m currently in week three of a heavy period (I think it has something to do with the lump I have on my thyroid).

Rag week / on the rag (Rag Week used to be a student fundraising week in the UK)

Chris, Simsons artist of Simpsons Drawings That I Have Gone And Done excelled himself with this.

Does anybody else see Cock Henge in the background at 2:02 in the video?

I am feeling a wibble of pride that emanates from my sisterhood gland.

I think my parents (who, to be fair, are complete dicks) were less concerned about harm from risk and more about fear of females that didn’t fulfill their very limited concept of femininity.