Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

I can and do, as I’ve not been able to afford a cooker for my new house.

As far as I remember, she was going to move over to all dorgis rather than corgis, but appears to have renaged on that.

Ak, just spotted the “you’re” where I dropped the “doing well in your” prior to is due to being a shit proof reader and poor sleeper. Behold my internet shame.

I’ve definately been surprised to read how similar these people all are, you’re right that they seem to even say the same things!

I’m thinking that the poor guy’s also been gaslit to within an inch of his life and doubts his own perceptions and feelings - especially if they’re a negetive image of RoomMate, since he’ll have been manipulated into worrying that he’s paranoid and controling. There’s nowt quite like a huge dollop of self doubt for

“google idealization phase”

First song I heard off this lady was Two Weeks, I’ve been hooked ever since.

Religion has no place running a hospital. Given how ill informed some people are on contraception due to religion, I would not trust a religious institution in a life or death scenario. I have a feeling that they’d try to pray away a heart attack, then shrug and write off the death of their patient as “God’s will”.

I’m pretty certain the creator of that particular motif is a sufferer of a depressive disorder, it just seems to tap into that headspace so accurately that it feels that it has to come from someone who has been there.

UK healthcare, can’t knock it but you have to be rich if you want to take your business elsewhere!!

*hold hand up* PMDD sufferer here, it’s fucking awful. I liken it to when the world flips to a dark, dystopian hellscape and then back to normal in Silent Hill. All my suicide attempts have been during PMDD weeks.

One major thing to love about Jez is that any given opportunity to share doggy or kitty pictures will never be missed.

You forgot “free guns for all”.

GCH Vjk-Myst Garbonita’s California Journey looks like Vladimir Putin.

Sighthounds FTW.

Pretty much in the exact same position here, it’s not so much about wanting to join in on the Hallmark holiday crap, it’s the not being able to avoid reminders of the anger at never seeming to get off the ground. It would be great to have someone to not do Valentines with.

Now you can really ask someone to eat that booty like its groceries!

The doctor also has to describe what their limp penis and empty sex life will look like so they understand the gravity of the choice they are making. In the future, they’ll be show a picture of it, along side a picture of their wife looking disappointed and disatisfied.

He’s doing the pudenda pull that guys with small schmeckles use when sending you dick pics lest you balk at their cocktail weenie (as opposed to at being sent a dick pic). He really has no need to do that, but evudently is the competetive sort.