Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

I dunno, mine get in the way during sex so I would find it hard to believe them being important in acheiving orgasm, but I would believe they have a role in keeping unwanted things out of the vagina.

I had similar, abusive ex (covered pretty much the full spectrum of abuse) kept insulting them even after I’d told him how upsetting it was, kept going after he’d reduced me to tears, even after I consulted a doctor (who turned me away) to have the damned things chopped off.

Do you think she had been a victim of FGM by any chance? That’s the only way I can imagine a clitoris being completely impossible to find.

I’ve never seen a circumcised penis in the flesh, despite having seen MANY. The “turkey neck” thing is most definitely universal, thus unlikely to be because of circumcision.

I’m tettering in that camp, my ex bullied me mercilessly about the appearence of mine to the point I went to my GP begging for a labiaplasty (UK, so NHS job), I was sent home in tears because she insisted it’s “perfectly normal” when the person who saw it the most wouldn’t shut up (to his friends as well) about my

Watching a manatee eating a cabbage at Sea World (I was young and clueless as to the whole “actually quite cruel to animals” thing) was quite possibly one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen.

I will give this kid a whole shiny English Pound to run 20 of these up excusing me from work on full pay. If she’s a tough negotiator, I’ll go as far as pulling it out from behind her ear, but not as far as making “magic” noises.

I’m not sure where the comments about her not dressing appropriately for her age comes from. The poor kid’s not even flashing the flesh in the pictures shown (not even a glimpse of collar bone!), apparently if you are a pretty 14 year-old, you are dressing “slutty” if you leave the house in anything but a hazmat suit.

That is truly awesome, I applaud their dedication to the cause!

I’m giving up having to explain myself to this jerk who clearly didn’t read what I wrote, you can’t educate those unwilling to admit they’re wrong.

They didn’t say it was the cause, but that it will help the blood pressure. Knock off the condescending and aggressive tone.

I’ve not quite wrapped my head around how a diet alteration specifically for those with high blood pressure has been leapt upon by eejits and forced onto people without that condition.
A low sodium diet on someone who doesn’t need to avoid it makes you feel pretty poorly in general, plus reintroducing salt to your

A life without cheese is a life not worth living.

Right now it’s not, but you know what *wouldn’t* help it?

I’m more afraid of having another siezure than I am another TIA I had no long term affects and that was having had 4 noted TIAs. I have seizures from a head injury, they take longer to recover from, plus fuck your tongue up something rotten. The memory loss is shocking, so much sympathy on that one! ^.^

Madonna sounds very like my mother / birthing unit, who is a horrendous health freak who banned salt and sugar on “health” grounds. Skip forward 30+ years, I’m in hospital (yet again) and have extremely low blood pressure (yet again). Last three visits I’ve been told to up my salt intake to get said blood pressure up,

Is he going to get a tattoo to commemorate this act of violence as well?

Well usually TIAs resolve themselves in a short time, but because I was confused as hell and only 20 at the time, I didn’t register what was going on as being something to panic over. It wasn’t until I had one incident of the same symptoms where I couldn’t speak properly that didn’t right itself within a few hours

The combination pill gave me multiple TIAs, so the thought of someone not receiving the proper medical supervision in the same circumstances is worrying. Then again, you can have a reaction to pretty much everything you can buy in a pharmacists, so I guess that concern is a moot point.

To be fair, Manchester on NYE has nothing on Middlesborough by lunchtime every day.