Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

There’s been some exposés on TV that make me think someone is doing the lord’s work there, the problem I’ve had (appart from yes, I’d be blown out of the water even though my lot are luckily not the ones who’d be shamed) is I’m only going off word of mouth when I’d prefer to hand over cold hard proof given how touchy

Are threadworms classed as an insect?

Can confirm the UK retailers screwing suppliers into the ground issue. It’s amazing that some suppliers actually continue trading - whilst a few price fixing scandals gave rise to what appear to be tight codes of practice being implimented on the industry, it’s still common for smaller suppliers to be bullied with a

You had me at cheese.

I don’t get how you teach people that killing is wrong by killing someone who killed someone.

If we weren’t probably in different continents I would happily wager shiny pound coins that we were related. I’m sorry your big day got hijacked like that, you have to wonder what the fuck people think they’re doing when they play stunts like that.

Aw man, my manager and I (we work in logistics) have been scripting a prank where one of us was going to pretend to be an automated call handling system and annoy truckers by making them go through a long and convoluted yes/no system to get anything done. If it’s kind of already been done, what the fuck are we going

Cheers! I’m in the rebuild phase, it’s not pretty but can’t be avoided. Whilst my ex got off, the police are still having me moved to a safer town. It’s a version of OK that is the emotional equivalent of hiding in a bush holding my breath until a velocirapter has stalked off after a deer.

Firstly, I am so very sorry you went through all that. Recent events for me give me a reasonable flavour of having trauma that you know all too well actually happened denied, it’s like screaming in a vacuum. I’m also so sorry that you’ve experienced serial douchery. It seems that when someone’s going to be a complete

Totally - we’d have a big meeting hall with “No, really, the problem’s not you” carved over the door, and maybe counsellors to help us come to terms with the fact that we’re not adopted.

Ah, Daria as well, definately a good salve!

I guess my initial feeling is right then (oh hai result of years of gaslighting!). To paraphrase what I mention below, I think I’d a fair bit of denial going on because I’m seriously scared by the spread of a movement that hates women and the people who love them so much that we’re seeing spree murders now.

Bizarrely, when I clocked that my relationship was indeed looking that it was abusive, I had bought Toxic Parents to try and get to the bottom of what was going on with me that was allowing me to find myself in that position. I’d flicked through it and at the time realised I wasn’t at the time capable of investing the

OMG I too would also have no qualms being babysitter in that situation, manatees are heartbreakingly sweet. I remember watching on eat a lettuce - Best. Sight. EVAAAAR.

Thank you! I’d not thought about taking a friend for support, I’m a nervous wreck generally so always end up having to suppress nerves chemically. I am a bit ashamed of my behaviour at his first wedding, he married my ex school bully so I’d been given diazapam to get through the day. I drank on top without realising

Angry sounds excellent here, it sounds like a better motivator than feeling pitiful!!!

Thank you, this *is* the right time for me to go back into therapy (I keep putting it off whilst I’ve been dealing with my ex in court so couldn’t keep taking more time out of work). I think anyone who had a similar history to mine probably has to do therapy in installments, there’s so much to unpick that you need to

Also going through a bout, but I don’t need energy and seretonin to sit in front of my PC, so you can have the bit I keep for emergencies in a locked box under my bed to get through tonight.

“interview for a new family” OH GOD YES I WANT PETER CAPALDI TO BE MY DAD AND MY FRIEND WHO’S A LIBRARIAN TO BE MY MUM (siblings can be whoever’s cool to chill with) we can totes use the opportunity to create a designer family, right? :D

We’re British, so no joy of a different state, but a good idea to stretch into a “damn, that’s the week I’m out of the country!”, genius!