Martini of Male Tears for Breakfast

Thank you for the internet hug, I love the Jez crowd’s supportive nature so much!

So my brother announced of Facebook that he’s getting married for the third time (at the grand age of 38) a few weeks ago - he’s still yet to bother to tell the family.

Sounds like she’s not very used to giving constructive critism - in a few weeks it might be helpful to her as a mentor to carefully (so it doesn’t come across as being defensive) mention that the wording was a bit hurtful and unproductive. A shit sandwich should leave the recipient feeling like they can grow from the

Also, lovely dogbeast, give his face a muzz from me!

I never hide being a feminist and happily discuss the issues that feminism faces into without feeling awkward. I try not to brow beat people who have opposing views and to be fair in debate, however I *have* lost friends who feel that men are somehow being forced into subservience by women securing any sort of rights.

Ahhh, Trump’s totally terrified Colbert will make fun of him and he won’t notice and become a laughing stock. I don’t think he knows that he already is one.

Having been stabbed in the neck with a compass whilst at school, I can see *why* they’d be banned.

First thing I thought was “poor fucking kid” as well.

I always said I’d bang Tom Hardy seven ways ‘til Sunday, then flip him over and start on the other side. The additional dog love just makes the guy even more irresistible. Even “those” MySpace photos did nothing to quell the horrific hots I have for the guy.

It seems that we’re being led to believe that “making fun of” and “not attracted to” are the same thing. I really don’t like the “people are awful for not being attracted to certain groups of people” vibe I’m getting here.

Thank you so much! Sounds like a winner to me - thanks again for taking the time to help there!

Your poor face!

I’ve not been to MAC for years (I’d die of shock just looking at the price tag), but last time I dared to dab the lightest was an odd yellow hue on my skin, which kind of makes me think maybe dying the rest of my face to match the blodges might not be a bad idea!

Sadly I’m in the UK, and we can only look forlornly at Make Up Forever and occationally hope a good natured traveler will kindly bring back something off our wish list!

I’m intigued with “face pack”. I’m so white I struggle to find a foundation that is light enough for my skin, but both me and my twin sister have developed a slightly darker mottled patch on our foreheads. Whilst it’s hardly the end of the world, it’s a wee bit annoying and adds to my make up buying woes.

I insist on paying my share of the bill. Last thing I need when entering into a relationship is to feel like I’m constantly in debt to someone and have to over compensate. I also most certainly do not want someone thinking I’m obliged to do something I don’t want to do. Urgh.

Terrible people mama, wonderful dog mama.

I once went for a full year without wanking because a series of unfortunate events and horrendous OCD lead to me believing it brought me bad luck. I was single the entire time and regularly woke up realising I was humping the duvet out of sexual frustration.

I’m going to steal that phrase to use at work.

I feel so bad for that poor little girl, even if she magically never finds out anything about the way her mother reacted to her birth with horror rather than joy, I’m sure she’ll be made to feel unwanted pretty much all the time.