Grunka Lunka Burnin' Love

I’ve worked alongside web devs, though I’m not one myself, and I can appreciate that not everything can be anticipated when going through a massive revamp. Hiccups are inevitable. I can also appreciate that oftentimes there are people within an org who DO anticipate certain hiccups but are ignored because they don’t

I’m spending so little time at the AVClub that I’m actually accomplishing work. I’m afraid.

I’m sure you guys are overwhelmed with help requests right now, so I’m not fretting it. But I’ve been stuck in the greys and sent an email to the help desk nearly 24 hours ago, with no response.

(Gets hit with a thousand pies)

Either Kinja or AVC must’ve broken my head, because my first thought was “Oh, the Juggalo march.”

Is it bad that I’m most peeved by the incorrect assertion that the sun is the center of our galaxy?

The seating is: Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right.

Curiously, they are having this screening in Austin when all the clowns are actually in DC.

Attn: Kurt Gessler, I am sorry to be that pedantic dick, but the sun is not the center of our galaxy, merely our solar system.

Kinja has been around since 2004. If we’re lucky maybe they’ll patch over one or two of the worst defects, but I wouldn’t expect a return to Disqus-level functionality any time soon.

All the ways Disqus encourages commenting is crazy.

I was so focused on what Kinja would do to the commentariat, I didn’t stop to think about how badly mangled the site itself would be.

That’s Kinja’s slogan.

I definitely saw this meme the other day with Obama eclipsing Trump, so these fuckwads can’t even come up with original jokes.

Let’s take this to its logical conclusion; Trump slowly goes away and leaves Obama.

The inability to sort comments, while not the most annoying thing, is certainly the most confounding. It can’t be a technical limitation. I mean, Kinja has been in development for over 13 years, and sorting is CS101. So, is it an editorial decision to not provide it?

“What’s the point of even posting anything?”

Some Days Are For Dying

Fuck you AV Club. The new site sucks and (more importantly) the new comments section is fucking deplorable. One of the biggest draws to this site is the thoughtful and hilarious discussion in each post and you officially shot that all to shit with this new ‘upgrade’.

Listen, until you’ve paid someone a small amount of money to manage the ten million you inherited from your grandfather in such a manner as to have a fully tax efficient and utterly unearned income you will never know the true meaning of the word “sacrifice”!