Just out of curiosity, how many thousand more times will you have to do that for us?
Biological risks of eating reptiles: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/02/100209182456.htm
It’s not chronological at all. Look at the timestamps.
Whenever I “star” a comment, the number goes down. So, um...yeah. That’s gotta be great for the sorting algorithm.
In Safari, there’s a dropdown menu that randomly appears whenever it feels like it. It usually doesn’t feel like it.
Well, that would explain why the comments section feel like a total afterthought, but an afterthought to what? The content portion feels like it wasn’t thought out at all.
My favourite new “feature” is the little sidebar that automatically rotates through different links, helpfully changing the link to the article you wanted to read into a link to a totally different thing you didn’t want to read. So very helpful.
Trump are the big scare, are he?
I don’t mind a little breathing room, but this is ridiculous. There’s so much padding and white space that the content is actually crowded out. There’s two inches of unused vertical blank space to work with on the left, yet “recommending” (ugh, don’t even get me started) a comment requires scrolling to the right.
Maybe? I have no idea. Your reply to my comment came preapproved, so who fucking knows.
Two factoids to add some context:
Anderson Cooper is the son of designer jeans magnate Gloria Vanderbilt. He’s a kajillionaire from birth. I’m all for eating the rich, but, well, I wonder if he knows we only let him in on the feast to fatten him up.
Is it a thing for obscenely wealthy thirtysomethings to get plastic surgery to look like obscenely wealthy septuagenarians?
It’s a good thing all our comments need to be approved, so no one can accidentally spam the same joke a hundred times.
You can most definitely get sued for “reporting” what Jen Kirkman said when she never said any such thing.
*posts gif of that*
It’s at least two kinds of completely inaccurate.
Not only did she not initially call out Louis C.K. by name, she later specifically stated that the person she was calling out was *not* Louis C.K.