That's the type of excuses the MRM would say in regards to women being catcalled; nice wave length you're on there.
That's the type of excuses the MRM would say in regards to women being catcalled; nice wave length you're on there.
you're an idiotic asshole.
PREACH. When I was a kid, my little sister who just so happened to be 10 years old at the time tried to name our kitten Crystal Diamond, I counteracted by refusing to call the (confused) kitten anything but Deirdre.
We finally settled on Bella and now I call my sister Crystal Diamond.
urgh *where & *their, grammar fail.
because they branched out to the UK last year & that's were Thomas Pink was established; I guess it's 'cause now they're on there home turf.
I was a bit late w/my response, huh.
DON'T FEEL DEFEATED, YOU CAN STREAM THAT SHIT (illegally...) - that's what I did, It's not aired in Scotland yet, so I had to go break some laws.
The accents are ridiculous, but an absolute JOY.
while others like yourself are just assholes.
Isn't what they're doing ie. dressing and and portraying gang culture equivalent to when Reggie bush dressed up as an Italian Mafioso/thug and when Rihanna dressed in the 'cholo' style (her clothes were almost identical to these outfits) and was throwing up gang signs?
I just think it pretty telling and yes ignorant that your prime example of white people in gangs is white supremacist and if that's all you have to draw on then yes, you're equally as ignorant as these teens. No, I didn't ask or even hint towards that I thought you should list 'literally ever possible thing associated…
What's both hilarious and frustrating in equal measures is you inability to spell Scots and Scotland.
Because white gang culture equates to being a white supremacist? You're being equally as ignorant.
thug is a term used to describe 'ruffians' of all races, it's not a racial slur.
I reacted by throwing the girl's stuff he'd brought back to my flat out the window, she wouldn't leave fast enough, seriously gtf and then I used his baseball bat to smash up anything of his that I laid eyes on, luckily I managed to get a few prized possessions; although I admit throwing a beer bottle at him was…
isn't it beautiful.
you're silly, obviously I don't have that... my tattoos on my wrists, duh.
hey, each to their own, y'know.
They sure do and that's right about when I start reminiscing.
Alas, PNW is just too many air-miles away, although I would never say no to those photos; I like to keep my wank bank stock fresh.