
We shall fight with growing confidence and stinky diapers. We shall fight in the cribs, in the bouncy chairs, in the car seats. We shall never surrender.

What kind of blind person confuses Rupert Grint for Ed Sheeran? It might be my blinding hatred for Ed Sheeran (Rupert Grint seems like a pretty cool guy), but besides being gingers, those two look nothing alike to me.

Warren Beatty still had it when they got together. They met on Bugsy, I believe. His career was hot and so was he. I think theirs is an exceptionally rare case of him really falling for her. Besides, in Hollywood and even in normal life, plenty of washed up old men sadly ARE able to keep on womanizing.

I don’t know how old you are, but I tell people all the time that that one thing is one of the perks of being older. You don’t have to keep up the exhausting facade of “what this? Oh I only like this ironically.” Hell yeah I like Metallica and Britney at the same time!

The “They are a nice person” thing needs to die a firey death. I am so sick of people who lie, cheat, steal, and try to undermine American democracy getting the “they are nice when you meet them” line (Sean Spicer and Jeff Sessions seem to get this a lot). Like, yea, most people attempt to be at least somewhat

I wish the media would focus more on the Mercer family (the billionaire donors who convinced Trump to hire Conway and Bannon). They make the Koch brothers look positively benign.

I don’t think she’s brilliant. I think she stooped to the lowest common denominator for the election. She lied and cheated as much as Trump supporters do, or want to do.

Do you understand the kind of brainwashing that woman has been subject to for her entire life? People in Quiverfull circles actually think that divorce is worse than murder. She’s under incredible pressure from both sides of the family to “forgive” him. And since she’s probably been homeschooled her entire life until

Why is he still allowed to be around children? His or any?

1Direction fans are the well-regulated militia we need andthe one we deserve.

Oh, you know she does.

Just like we don’t think all Canadians are as hot/cool as Trudeau...

Man, Trump is one creepy fuck. If he hadn’t inherited his Daddy’s money, he’d be a washed up, alcoholic coked up car salesman living in Queens

Also, if Trump does not have a case of backpfeifengesicht*, I don’t know who does.

Dubya is basically Buster Bluth.

Man, Trump is one creepy fuck. If he hadn’t inherited his Daddy’s money, he’d be a washed up, alcoholic car salesman living in Queens

Whenever I see Angela Merkel I really see Kate McKinnon doing her Angela Merkel talking about missing “Mein Barack”

At least W’s action was innocent an friendly in it’s way...inappropriate but basically well intentioned. Trump’s just an arrogant ass.

I don’t think Donald Trump knows how to sit in a chair.