
I’ve seen this movie on the festival circuit, and I wouldn’t necessarily classify it as rape-revenge.

Was she Hungarian?

You’re excused ;)

Neither. It's in Melbourne, AU

...and so is the mural. I walked past there yesterday and there is a massively tag over the top of it now.

I don’t know anything about this woman. Is she wacky enough to replace Tyra? She has to be at least a little nuts or there is no point.

I’m in Batman and frustrated that these votes aren’t getting counted already! I so want Alex B to get in.

My little fuzzmonster also enjoys the grosser things in life - eating the ends off (used) earbuds, sniffing feet, licking armpits - to name a few of his favourite things.

They often like and sometimes comment on my Instagram photos (not even photos of them!) - no other band of their popularity has. I have been known to shriek when the notification pops up :D

As a Cleveland native who has (forgive me) never really given a shit about my town’s sporting endeavours, this is making me inexplicably filled with joy. (Also: does this mean people will stop giving us shit about the damn river catching fire?!)

I cried at both Dolly’s shows I’ve been to. By the time she gets to Coat of Many Colors, I'm bawling.

I’ve lived where I am now for about 13 years and am still not a citizen. It’s not always as easy as just showing up and sending through an application. Considering how many Americans already don't vote, it's a bit harsh to chastise immigrants for the same.

I grow catnip too and Herb HATES it. Like, if you try to get him to sniff it he will smack your hand away. Cats so cute.

My little guy is more of a kisser than a buffer, haha

Does he actually use it though? I got my cat one to help scratch the side he can't get to due to a missing leg, and he just never went for it.

Oh yeah, one that I get frequently is similar except more like “You Won't Beleive It - Child Stars that are Now Horribly Ugly!”

I would much prefer solar panels!

Amusing, confusing, and also alarming that they think my browsing history would mean that I would appreciate such an ad.

Nah, they wouldn’t. But surely they could find a less-sleazy company to run the ads for them? They probably don't even care but damn it's infuriating.

Unrelated, but sort of related: does anyone else experience wildly un-Jezebel ads appearing below every article? This is the one that is appearing for me directly underneath the comments section right now. UGHGHHH