
I love Tracy and Holly! I don’t understand these complainers though - if you don’t like the contents of the podcasts, why even bother listening?

There are probably dozens of different kinds of “the” pill. Depending on the balance of eatrogen/progesterone in the pill, side effects may vary. I believe low-estrogen pills are the ones that make you more likely to spot thought the month. It may be worth discussing with your doctor next time you get your rx renewed.

This was the best Eurovision in yeeeeaars! My only complaint was that there wasn’t nearly enough to make fun of this year. Jamala is pretty awesome but Dami killed. It. Dead.

Through her humanitarian work, Angelina has done a million times more for girls and women than that bitter mean girl Chelsea could ever hope to do. Stfu Chelsea.

There is some fucking awesome vegan cheese out there at the moment. ...just sayin’

Oh em gee, I just woke up and in my sleepy stupor read the headline as KANYE is gonna burn some ivory. I'm going back to sleep...

What! Jackson is married to Alex Borstein?!

Go to Tassie instead of Canberra! Tasmania is bloody beautiful and has heaps to do, especially if you like hiking and nature. Just make sure to bring warm clothes - it's pretty cold there in May.

I visited a wildlife sanctuary in Tasssie last month and a worker brought out this baby she was fostering. Her mum has been hit by a car and she was being fostered until she was old enough to be released back into the wild. Her name: Mariah.

It’s really great for local info if you are traveling (for exanple, I found heaps of useful info for eating vegan in Tokyo via an Instagram user), or if you’re just curious as to what is happening in, say, Nuuk right now. I follow a lot of random people from all over the world and it’s pretty fun.

I fuckin love Trio. It’s three angels getting together to record music. Just beautiful.

Ugh. This. A couple years ago I got stuck on a 14-hour flight next to a “celebrity” (I peeked at his boarding pass and googled that he was some sort of opera singer) who spent half the flight encroaching into my space with his elbows, feet and floor-bag. Until I got passive aggressive and just started kicking his shit

I always knew Keiko Agena was no teen when she played Lane, but apparently she is only 6 years younger than Lauren Graham?! Hopefully her face still hasn’t aged cos that would be weird...

When I’m in the mood for a good cry - A Tale of Two Cities or Jude the Obscure. So good.

I’ve actually seen her use a wide variety of toys - she just doesn’t show up that often.

I’ve come to love and accept Tubbs. At least he’s not a cheap bastard like Mr Meowgi (one fish, really?!). I squealed when I opened the app to find Tubbs plopped on top of the large cushion in a food coma.

Once you collect all the cats it’s a long, painful wait for them to bring you their mementos. Especially if their favourite toys are large toys and you can’t put them all out at once (I’m lookin at you Sassy Fran, Conductor Whiskers and Miss Fortune!). I love this freakin game - the first thing I do when I wake up in

Ewewewewewewe nonononononono

Yeah, those names are terrible (Cattie Shack?!) and average (Allie). My fluffball was given the name “Tom” by the shelter, although he was adopted and returned so who knows what his first shelter name was. He is definitely no “Tom” though - we renamed him before we even left the shelter :)

Primarily because it’s harder to find vegan cold-weather gear, which means fewer options and fewer sales. Visiting somewhere as cold as Antarctica would mean looking for specialty gear, too - try finding a vegan boot suitable for the Arctic - it’s difficult, and not cheap.