If you’re freaking out about the dog drinking human milk just wait until I tell you where that dairy shit so many of you insist on eating comes from...
If you’re freaking out about the dog drinking human milk just wait until I tell you where that dairy shit so many of you insist on eating comes from...
I know, I am honestly dizzy with relief. I think I’m going to faint at times, it’s so overwhelming.
I have seen so many warped framings and warped takes on this today.
With some history of the Disney corporate environment, I don’t think this was about the ticket necessarily, but about Disney’s rigidity. That company is a fucking nightmare to work for (truly evil) and, as mentioned, that was probably the straw that broke the back of a camel that was already getting physical therapy…
Oh please. People of all persuasions are having the same problem. I love my partner, and I’m glad it’s him I’m going through this lockdown with because we’ve also had a lot of fun. But if he grabs the soap from the sink to use for the shower, instead of getting a new bar from the closet one more damn time I’m going to…
I’m in New Zealand so I went and voted and yay - Jacinda won! On the downside though the local candidate I wanted didn’t succeed but at least she was beaten by someone from Jacinda’s party (could be worse). And I’m worried about the rise of our far right party who used to only have 1 seat in Parliament and will now…
You’re spot on about the corporate buffer. I work for a company that really believes it, now. And it’s a HUGE difference in the way the content is delivered. This company is serious as fuck about equality, diversity, and inclusion. It’s incredible to me how different the programs are when the institution truly…
There’s only one way to get the real answer to this. We have to go straight to the top. The one man on the planet who knows for certain. Luckily, I know how to reach him.
You just have to write to him...
Unfair to every other inmate? How, exactly? Do you imagine that the courses on offer are there only for her?
If you didn’t know anything about Rob Reiner, you could have at least taken 30 seconds to Google him. He’s been a highly vocal (and financial) advocate for civil rights for 50 years. He helped start the American Foundation for Equal Rights. He’s repeatedly bankrolled challenges to Right-wing legal attacks on women,…
I cannot imagine how tough it must be to stand up to the tomfoolerly of the Kardashian’s unending empire of shit to buy that will end up in landfills and is likely not great for you, but Jameela brings it every time. If I had to pick one of these women to whom my teen daughter would listen, it would be Jameela.
It’s almost...
If #metoo taught us anything, it’s that even high profile actors can be harassed, intimidated and shamed, and that abusers enable and protect other abusers. There’s no way to know everything that went into her decisions to do those movies, or why she felt they were still highly respected enough to work with, but we do…
We’re so excited to find out what set of outdated cultural expectations our baby will be subjected to, neither drought nor pandemic will stop us from blowing something up!!
Wow, we’re getting two identical stories on this, huh?
That’s when you use quotation marks in your headline, right?
I know it was Dunst’s original mistake, but why did Joan have to go and put it in the headline? That’s just salt in the wound.