
Oftentimes when my SO and I go out for lunch or dinner, I’ll order a beer and he’ll order a juice or soft drink. I don't think the waiter has EVER brought me the beer.

Fry's is okay but have you tried VBites (formerly Redwood)? Their "chicken" pieces are amazing and they're UK based so you shouldn't have trouble finding them in Scotland.

it's actually illegal to consume your own booze on a flight :/

I go on long hauls fairly frequently and I can recommend toothbrush/paste, facewash, hand towel. These things will help you feel normal and not so gross during your layover and when you're about to land at your destination. Bonuses are: deoderant, toner, moisturizer, mascara and a bright lipstick for preparing to feel

He should have been aware of the changes at the time. Not saying he should've put his career on hold, but if he cries exemption, everyone else will. And the Australian immigration department has much bigger fish to fry at the moment.

The change in immigration laws for New Zealanders is silly, sure, but with enough money most anyone can buy their way to Australian citizenship these days.

What happened to you is not the norm, and children having a vegan diet is not inherently dangerous, I'm sorry, it is not.

I have been vegan for 15 years and have always had great levels of everything (Iron, B12, etc), without supplementing, and I have rarely gotten sick. Sorry for your bad experience, but you sound like the misinformed one. People (including babies) can be incredibly healthy eating a plant-based diet.

Lee Lin Chin!!! She's a living legend, national treasure and sometimes the only reason I watch the news <3

Once I are too much Velveeta and too many Twizzlers in one sitting and I threw up the most disgusting throw up you've ever seen. And into a sink so it didn't drain very well/at all. Ah, childhood.

I fuckin LOVE meetings.

I would make a small purchase someplace really weird so he would get a good laugh when his next statement showed a transaction at Doggy Dogs House of Slobber or something.

I volunteer at a large film festival every year and this film was shown during one of the shifts where I was located inside the cinema and OMG I'm glad my face and eyes don't go too red when I cry...

Every MAC employee I've ever met has had drag queen makeup, with mask lines. Wtf is up with that?! I am very hesitant to take any advice from those people because of it.

That stupid (amazing) theme song has been stuck in my head for daaaays. Though for as catchy as it is, it's not really satisfying to sing aloud.

Hurraw lip balm in Earl Grey. It has no nasty chemicals so it actually sooths lips instead of providing a quick fix, and the flavour is yummy but not too yummy that you want to lick it all off your lips.

Hurraw lip balm in Earl Grey. It has no nasty chemicals so it actually sooths lips instead of providing a quick fix,

Could you get your cat a water fountain? They're pretty popular these days so I imagine the internet or your local pet store would have one for a reasonable price. That way your sweetie kitty can hear the water - it might make her feel more confidant too.