grump and bind

Ugh, men!! Why can’t they just take a joke????

Me: “I wonder if this Al Rava guy looks like someone who’d unhinge his jaw and swallow a newborn whole if he knew he could get away with it.”
Googles it.
Me: “Oh. Welp.”

I feel like people on this site used to be better at getting jokes.

I remember hearing about this ridesharing app (Safr?) that was going to be exclusively for women but it’s scared of getting sued by men who have nothing better to do.

It’s not that men are banned, it’s just hard finding men who are good enough for the showcase. At the end of the day, men just aren’t that funny.

No, I take my revenge by reporting all of his mean comments :) Not all heroes wear capes I guess.

You guys, Alfred (“Al”) Rava is my neighbor and is a fucking terrorist on Nextdoor. His favorite online pastimes are threatening to sue others who say a bad word against him, ACTUALLY’ing people, and responding to ads to clarify the terms of their policies. He is a nightmare human being.

Plaintiff “George St. George”

It is so sad that the same men who care (or claim to care) about oppressed women amd girls in oppressed nations will pound their ape-assed chests whenever successful women in their own countries try to occupy the same stage as them.

Women making music does affect men because it fosters competition. That’s what this is really about. Jealousy and insecurity.

A quick search on the Internet places the born-again phase from 1979 — 1981, so, no.

What is it with society and the necessity of “Male Anger?” Can’t you just be, like, emotionally stable enough not to kick and scream when you don’t get your way? In DBT it’s called Radical Acceptance. My two cents explanation: Sometimes shit happens, sometimes you can’t control the shit that’s happening, accept that

The Bob Dylan interview in 1987 that broke my freshman heart, and every last shred of respect for him. NB, he adulates U2 three lines later in the interview. Bold mine.

Our lead campaign at the moment is called Poverty Is Sexist. And there is another one called Girls Count. About 130 million girls can’t go to school who want to go to school.

Also, go away.

Also, a lot of male rage might be, you know, directed at women. I’m cool with those songs not getting written.*

Oh fuck off. Women making music doesn’t have any impact on men making music. Also where is the genre where women can release their anger? Why do genres have to be dominated by a gender in order for music to be made? It makes zero fucking sense. Are teenage boys in their rooms with a guitar going “but I just CAN’T

Dear Bono: Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.