grump and bind

Oh god, and fucking hate the smug filmmaker trope of “did you enjoy the gratuitous and cheerfully-scored violence we spent thousands of hours and millions of dollars to show you? Well, surprise, YOURE THE REAL MONSTER FOR WATCHING IT !”

Oh Matt...

There are no words to express my sorrow and regret for the pain I have caused others by words and actions. To the people I have hurt, I am truly sorry.

You know, I’m beginning to think that Donald Trump isn’t as great of a person as he says he is.

Hey, remember that time there was a national furor when we all found out Obama maybe sat in a church one time when a pastor said “God damn America”?

after she gave an interview with Radio Aryan, a neo-Nazi radio show. <- This is who the President of the US is promoting. Woodrow Wilson and Andrew Jackson never had s__t on the bigot we now have in the White House.

“people are adults and they routinely trade things that others consider degrading or power-imbalanced for consideration.”

“And is it possible to normalize a person with a skin condition when you focus solely on a procedure intended to remedy whatever they (or their doctor, or our beauty-obsessed society) deem is amiss?”

I’m with you. I’ve watched her videos and was surprised to read here that they’re considered exploitative. Many of her videos are devoted to ridding patients of blackheads, a practice she admits most dermatologists avoid since it’s time consuming and not medically necessary. For patients with an abundance of them,


I’m with you and Dr Lee. I found her videos when my young nephew had a cyst and was freaked out. They helped him see it was normal and okay. Adults had them!

It feels wrong to me, but at the same time, if we banned the practice people that can’t afford these procedures just wouldn’t be able to get them at all, and I don’t know if that’s really better...

As someone with supremely fucked up skin on my feet and teenager like pimple growing acumen in their thirties, don’t you dare try and take away my cyst draining videos. I will burn this website to the ground.

Team Lee.

She’s right; she is normalizing something a lot of people are embarrassed about and therefore less likely to seek medical attention for. There’s nothing exploitative about this since (at least in the ones I’ve seen) the videos don’t ID the patient.

I’m bothered that people get free services if they allow treatment of their medical conditions to be used on social media. That’s at LEAST bordering on coercion for people who desperately want and need treatment but couldn’t otherwise afford it.

More than 180 people say what they got instead was sexual assault. But the billion-dollar company says that’s not its problem to solve.

This is horrifying, and I find it inexplicable that a business where there’s expected to be physical contact between customers and employees didn’t have a policy about harassment or assault complaints. In this case, it’s employee assault of customers, but I can only imagine that there also must be cases in which

An inordinate amount of people are attracted to massage therapy because of sexual interest...Just like there was opportunity in the priesthood, there’s opportunity in the massage room.